Franklin , Tennessee - everyone reading the morning paper has surly seen this by now. Is'nt it interesting we don't hear anything good about Franklin Police in the paper? I mean , the last story in the paper was a contrived line about a dog that was'nt something police do anyway and that story was over 2 years ago and that story (of all places) was in The Review Appeal. Why have'nt we heard from Franklin Police in the real paper? Why? Then there were those baseball cards that no had seen , butt , they were mentioned in the The Reviewed and Appealing paper.
Mean while , let's move on. The real paper did tell recently , how a couple got 2 years probation and other associated punishment and charges for making a false complaint against a Franklin Police officer. The Police Chief was very adamant about comparing their dishonesty to his department's integrity. O Kay , not a problem. (BUTT) Is'nt it interesting the Chief has'nt come after me for the remarks I've made here for the whole world to see? Is'nt it interesting , I've been left alone to continue ratting out "HIS" Franklin Police Department , aka those FOP members.
( Note: I wonder where that couple got the idea of making false statements? )
Yep. You wanna know why (if not then stop reading) ? It's because I've been honest in telling the truth. Think about this fact - the people hiding behind those over sized Greek columns at The Downtown Cinema Center for Justice in Franklin (aka the Greek Crapper) , even know , that Detective Black is a liar. The lawyers , the judges and yep , even the DA knows he's the proverbial , can't "stop a cop of a liar". And it gets better ! He kindly had me put in a position to see a shrink (after harassing me and stealing my stuff) and guess what? That's right boys and girls. This shrink also states , Mr. Black is indeed , a liar. Yep , he told me so. How many witnesses are needed here to understand , there's a real problem within Franklin Police? I mean like , I'm the "ONE" who needs to see a shrink? Really? What's wrong with this picture? No one has stepped up to accuse me of lying. No one! Nadda. Zippo-Dude! That's right , no one , aka - not a soul , not one single soul. Does this tell you anything? Anything at all?
( Note : Shrinks have technical/medical words to describe people/liars , like Mr. Black )
And what is it about liars? For some strange reason , liars are also thieves. This would explain several thousand dollars of theft , vandalism and the harassment around here , would it not? After all , Mr. Black is the investigating detective around here and he does know who did the deeds and he is making Damn sure no arrests are made. Hmmmm. Yeeeaaaahhhh , makes ya wonder what's wrong with this picture , don't it? Do I need to draw you one in color?
The bottom line is simply this - things are like this in The City of Franklin because: This is what we have for law enforcement and this is what we have for a system enforcing the law and this is what we have for a court system and this is what we have to show everyone , after spending all that extra money on hollowed out Greek columns instead of something better. Yes , this is what we have , to show off our money.
Remember folks , only friends within Franklin Police are legally authorized to burgle a residence
Meanwhile , makes ya feel good about this town , don' it? Or would you rather I paint you a bigger picture using 3-D columns?