Franklin , Tennessee - is'nt it interesting how many times , I've mentioned there's nothing good to write about Franklin Police. Here we have the latest on Franklin Police fleecing Americans on the side of the road , right here in good ole Franklin , US of A.
That's right. I said "fleecing Americans". There's no proof what so ever , to show any traffic citation has ever saved a life. Not one , not nadda , not uno one-o. (and you won't read the truth about this in your local TENNESSEAN either)
Do you remember the book , written about speeding tickets , that was very popular several ago? It was authored by a police officer , believe it or not. He states in his book , that tickets were all about putting money into the city's coffers. He also wrote about the politics involved with traffic citations. Politicians were always arguing over how to spend all of that money. Here in Franklin , it gets spent on Greek columns.
Meanwhile , it is true , THE TENNESSEAN does indeed read this blog. I've already heard they are currently brain storming over a story to write about Franklin Police , since they have'nt wrote anything positive about them in the last one hundred years or so. Personally , I can't wait to read the lies they will have to contrive. It should be entertaining at the very minimum.
Hmmmm , perhaps they should hire me to write it , eh?
Many cities have ticket quotas for police officers to meet or else. Did you know , if Americans would use their CONSTITUTION , only politicians would then be getting traffic tickets. Butt , unfortunately , today , most Americans are too busy being lazy assed couch potatoes , which gives politicians even more incentive to fleece the voter/tax payers. Did you also know , THE CONSTITUTION was made for Americans to use? Most real Americans today don't have a clue what I'm talking about. The imported Americans do know what I'm talking about and they do use it , which is why they have all of those really really , real nice benefits that "Real Americans" don't qualify for.
Did'nt know that , did you?