Franklin , Tennessee - BVD News-Now that Franklin Police have settled into their new home , which just happens to be , the largest building in this here city , with the most space not being used , Police Chief "jackie" Moore has been busy planning a whole new future for The City of Franklin , which includes expanding the city limits
BVD: Been playing with your crayons again Chief?
jackie: Among other things? Yeah , heh heh heh. Ass you can see rite hare BVD , it's all about location , location , location and of course , size does matter
BVD: Why does The City of Franklin need to expand it's borders?
jackie: It gives "US" moore room to freely roam with our radar and to make moore traffic stop$ , which allows "US" to make moore profit$. Ass you can see here on my projected map of the plan called , "Future Thing$ To Come" (or FTTC for short) , my planned program will reduce this county's area of operations by another 45% by the year 2015. Of course , by that time , Franklin Police will also be running the biggest radar gun$ in the state. Oh yeah , did I tell you , by the year 2011 , there will be no moore legal left turns?
BVD: Damn Chief and to think people say you have nothing to do all day