Franklin , Tennessee - in today's TENNESSEAN there's a letter about "Bullies". It reminds me so much of "Our" Franklin Police Department.
Steven Morris was not the only bully inside Franklin Police. There is also Officer Richards who enjoys beating up people when there are no witnesses loitering around and of course there are also other officers inside the police department who enjoy being "Bullies"
So , why is'nt anything being done? Because it's not a part of being a Franklin Police officer to report/arrest your fellow co-worker just because they love the smell of fresh blood in the morning. Think I'm joking? Ask Commander Barnes or even Tim Taylor. They know I'm telling you the truth. Mr. Morris also knows it's true because last Sunday was not the first time he mistreated his wife. It's just that this time there were too many witnesses watching.
The biggest problem is that "Our" police officers have a total lack of respect for "US" and I don't think it's going to change anytime soon. Respect is a 2 way street , not a one way alley. Besides , Franklin Police have no idea what respect is and then they wonder why people don't give them respect. Well "DUH" , assholes.
Today , if you have a complaint against a Franklin Police officer , the standard procedure is to start with Sargent Warner , whose job responsibilities include stopping these things in their tracks. I know because I made a complaint against Sgt. Smithson and Officer Spearnock. Warner simply laughed in my face and that was that.
Just because Stephen Morris got fired , do not think things are going to change at "Our" Franklin Police Department. There are just too many "Bullies" protecting each other while "WE THE PEOPLE" continue doing nothing about "Our" government's Happy Assed Horse Shit