Franklin , Tennessee - - have you ever wondered how Franklin Police handle their complaints concerning their officers? Well , wonder no more because I'm going to explain this wonderful system they use , to handle their Out-Of-Control-Officers , or "OC" for short (pronounced OKay) So , let's hop into our Time Machine here shall we and let's see what's going on and why.
In the good ole days , before Jay Johnson arrived in his gold plated covered wagon , Franklin Police did deal with their troublesome officers. The Review Appeal had police vacancies posted in it's job listings ass usual , while on the front page , another (yes another one) officer was getting fired again. In time and with a little help from JJ , Franklin Police finally realized , the real problem with their troublesome officers , was actually the public's fault. Upon being promoted for his exemplary display by example , by kissing JJ's ass , Commander Barnes stated , "He would personally deal with this God awful chronic problem , that was systematically devouring his police department". And he did.
Here's how it works for example: let's say you know about Officer Rich stealing hub caps with his business partner , The Banana Boy. You call dispatch and ask how to report this crime. Your call gets transferred to Commander Barnes. You tell him what's going on and he asks you to come on down to HQs and tell him all about it.
In his office , Barnes explains to you , the exemplary example this officer offers to the overall forcefulness of this law enforcement department , while staring you down with intimidation. You ask to see the Chief upon realizing , you're talking to the wrong person. Barnes gives you a stern , "NO" and that's that.
Walking out the door , you notice the Chief's office door is open and the lights are on , butt , again , no one's home. You inquire within and get told , "Oh yeah , him , he's like on vacation or something like that for the next 6 months. Would you like to make an appointment for next year?". (remember-you only have 3 days to file a complaint)
Moving forward in our time machine , we arrive just in time to find Tim Taylor being ceremoniously promoted from Lt. in CID to night shift Supervising Sargent because after all , the night shift is in need of a lot help and helpful supervision. You tell him about Officer Richards stealing candy from children and eating it right in front of them while beating up a by stander and laughing about it while watching his victim lay in a pool of blood. Mr. Taylor says , "Why yes , I do know the officer you are talking about. He's an excellent example of an exemplary police officer. Butt hey , I will have to get back to you , right now , I'm a very sleepy fellow. After all , this is the night shift you know".
After playing phone tag for 2 months , you finally realize , your complaint is going no where (remember , 3 days). You finally call him to ask who is the next person in the Department's rank and file to take your complaint too. This is the moment you get some good news , Tim Taylor has been fired so he can finally retire from the police farce.
Sadly , after not accomplishing anything , we get back into our Time Machine. . . . .moving ever onwards. . . . .
Moving forward to today , we find Sgt. Warner is in charge of the Complaint Department. You go see him about about Sgt. Smithson refusing to do his job and ticket his best friend , who parks in Kroger's Handicap spots all of the time. Mr. Warner looks at you oddly and says , "Why yes , I do know Sgt. Smithson. He's an excellent example of an exemplary police officer. His pimp friend brings me some very fine Chinese pussy from time to time. Sooooo , who are you and what's your Fucking problem again?".
Sgt. Warner
Remember , Franklin Police Chief Moore has stated , "He does take complaints very seriously." So my question to Chief Moore is , "If the complaint does'nt get to you , how can you be so very serious?"
Today , with the help of Franklin Police , Tennessee now ranks 6th in the Police Complaint Department nation wide.
Thank you , Franklin Police