Franklin , Tennessee - HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE.
From me - Jerry Horne
Remember - Franklin Police are on the prowl for freebies so keep your stuff out of their sight.
In stealing those famous words from The TERMINATOR , "I'll be BACK !" , next year.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Officer Receive$ Award
Franklin , Tennessee - BVD News , Franklin's Downtown Police Department was abuzz , ass Officer Rich paraded himself , while holding up high for all to see , his newly made money , amongst the massive Greek columns , holding up the greatest of all hallowed halls of Downtown's new , law enforcement center for Franklin , ass his fellow officers cheered him on with their out stretched hands and hungry faces. Kat was there to see it all in the hall and later , she even got to talk with Officer Rich about his monetary award
Kat : Congratulations Officer Rich , how does it feel , holding onto that 500 hundred dollars of cold ca$h , in your greedy little hands right now?
Rich : Great ! Ha Ha Ha HA HA HA and Ha again :) It feels great. Absolutely G-R-E-A-T
Kat : How did you come into this money?
Rich : Well , I got called out to investigate property damage and while talking to the complainant , the code word , "Black" was stated. Therefore , I had a hunch , I had better not do my job and so I did'nt and later , while talking to our Detective Black about the incident , he just smiled at me and told me to shut my hole and then , he like , you know , he just gave me this fistful of money
Kat : Soooooo , you're saying , you received a 500 dollar reward , for deliberately not doing your job , while in the line of duty?
Rich : Yep. Aint life great being a "Franklin" , police officer?
Kat : I would'nt know
Kat : Congratulations Officer Rich , how does it feel , holding onto that 500 hundred dollars of cold ca$h , in your greedy little hands right now?
Rich : Great ! Ha Ha Ha HA HA HA and Ha again :) It feels great. Absolutely G-R-E-A-T
Kat : How did you come into this money?
Rich : Well , I got called out to investigate property damage and while talking to the complainant , the code word , "Black" was stated. Therefore , I had a hunch , I had better not do my job and so I did'nt and later , while talking to our Detective Black about the incident , he just smiled at me and told me to shut my hole and then , he like , you know , he just gave me this fistful of money
Kat : Soooooo , you're saying , you received a 500 dollar reward , for deliberately not doing your job , while in the line of duty?
Rich : Yep. Aint life great being a "Franklin" , police officer?
Kat : I would'nt know
Monday, December 14, 2009
Have You Noticed -
Franklin , Tennessee - have you ever watched the Franklin Police night shift , ass they circle their wagons inside The Franklin Department Center for Downtown Justice? You know , the only place in town , where justice can be found , right behind those lavishly expensive , Greek columns?
Have you noticed how they resemble , something like a Hitler Youth Rally? Every one of them have the whitest of skin , shaven heads and youthful look , while telling Rodney King jokes. The only things missing are the red banners with those back ass wards Swastikas.
There's not one person in their group , with brown skin (or tan) , there are no blacks and there are no women.
One officer kept reaching over , to rub his partner's Taser , ass if to masturbate him.
Yes in dee dee dee. Talk about stepping back asswards in time. For the benefit of anyone thinking I'm making this up , go on over to the "Justice" Center around 8 AM and peek inside their courtroom for yourself.
Have you noticed how they resemble , something like a Hitler Youth Rally? Every one of them have the whitest of skin , shaven heads and youthful look , while telling Rodney King jokes. The only things missing are the red banners with those back ass wards Swastikas.
There's not one person in their group , with brown skin (or tan) , there are no blacks and there are no women.
One officer kept reaching over , to rub his partner's Taser , ass if to masturbate him.
Yes in dee dee dee. Talk about stepping back asswards in time. For the benefit of anyone thinking I'm making this up , go on over to the "Justice" Center around 8 AM and peek inside their courtroom for yourself.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Mr. Black , Franklin Police Detecting Agency
The City of Franklin , Tennessee - who is this mysterious Franklin Police officer , named Mr. Black and just why in the Hell , is he Jay Johnson's favorite lap dog ?
He is the one , the onliest and oldest one of his kind I know of , who is without question , an exemplary example of a police officer turned detective , who can , with just one eye blindfolded , walk a straight line on one leg while putting his best foot forward even though it's stuck in his other mouth , while telling lies , harassing women and cheat @ poker while stealing some guy's lunch , all at the same time.
When he isn't Shitting on the little people , his favorite pastime is dinky car racing without mufflers , thru quiet neighborhoods.
His favorite Islamic wisdomic words are :
Monday - Life is GrrrrrrrrrreATE , being inside the law ! ! ! !
Tuesday - I am soooooooooooooo untouchable :)
Wednesday - " sssssssssssssssssss ! ! ! Damn , I'm HOT
Thursday - The law can't touch me :) Hee Hee Hee Hee
Friday - don't ask me , that's not my job :)
Saturday / Sunday - I don't do weekends , only little people :)
And , did you know? Tennessee State law does not require permission for Franklin Police to tap your phones? This just happens to be one of Detective Black's favorite past times.
He is the one , the onliest and oldest one of his kind I know of , who is without question , an exemplary example of a police officer turned detective , who can , with just one eye blindfolded , walk a straight line on one leg while putting his best foot forward even though it's stuck in his other mouth , while telling lies , harassing women and cheat @ poker while stealing some guy's lunch , all at the same time.
When he isn't Shitting on the little people , his favorite pastime is dinky car racing without mufflers , thru quiet neighborhoods.
His favorite Islamic wisdomic words are :
Monday - Life is GrrrrrrrrrreATE , being inside the law ! ! ! !
Tuesday - I am soooooooooooooo untouchable :)
Wednesday - " sssssssssssssssssss ! ! ! Damn , I'm HOT
Thursday - The law can't touch me :) Hee Hee Hee Hee
Friday - don't ask me , that's not my job :)
Saturday / Sunday - I don't do weekends , only little people :)
And , did you know? Tennessee State law does not require permission for Franklin Police to tap your phones? This just happens to be one of Detective Black's favorite past times.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Franklin Police and CALEA
Franklin , Tennessee - over the years , CALEA requires Franklin Police to hold town meetings with the public , to take in comments about the department and how they are doing , in the eyes of Franklin citizens.
Over the years , Franklin Police have been very careful about "who" gets into these meetings. The police do not give much notice of when or even where these meetings will be held. Franklin Police have even gone to the Nashville airport , to hold these "in town" meetings , for the purpose of keeping the citizens of Franklin , aka the "little people" , out of their way.
Over the years , Franklin Police have made special invitations to those educated , police family members , who are well articulated in peculiarly special Bullshit , which satisfies CALEA accreditation requirements.
For those who do not know , this years meeting with CALEA was just last week. Franklin Police deliberately did not put the word out to the general public until late in the day of the meeting , to avoid having someone show up , who would say something truthful about the department.
Ass Franklin Police Detective Black has so obtusely demonstrated , truth is the ONE thing , they will not tolerate being told , period.
Over the years , Franklin Police have been very careful about "who" gets into these meetings. The police do not give much notice of when or even where these meetings will be held. Franklin Police have even gone to the Nashville airport , to hold these "in town" meetings , for the purpose of keeping the citizens of Franklin , aka the "little people" , out of their way.
Over the years , Franklin Police have made special invitations to those educated , police family members , who are well articulated in peculiarly special Bullshit , which satisfies CALEA accreditation requirements.
For those who do not know , this years meeting with CALEA was just last week. Franklin Police deliberately did not put the word out to the general public until late in the day of the meeting , to avoid having someone show up , who would say something truthful about the department.
Ass Franklin Police Detective Black has so obtusely demonstrated , truth is the ONE thing , they will not tolerate being told , period.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Christmas Time Is "NOW"
Franklin , Tennessee - last year Franklin Police went around parked cars , looking for packages seen through the windows. They would then place a courtesy card on the car to show they were in the area. Another reason for the cards was to look like they were doing something good , while they were actually looking for stuff to steal. The packages were seen , inventory taken and someone else would go to their home and get it. Just like that.
Soooo , remember boys and girls , it's Christmas time. A thief's favorite time of the year.
For those who do not remember , Franklin Police did steal the Christmas surprise for the Red Cross 2 years ago. It was a nice gift which does explain why they did what they did.
Oh? You don't understand why Franklin Police would steal Christmas from The Red Cross? Ask yourself this question - do people around you reward you for Shitting on them? Of course not , "Dumb Ass". Franklin Police fleece the people during the year. Which would certainly explain why the public people don't think much of them during Christmas time. The Red Cross is well known for helping people during the year. And so it's not surprising those people would want to do something nice for them to show their appreciation.
Here in Franklin , rich people typically give to the police and/or their counter part , The FOP , money towards their favorite charity , aka "Themselves" and so for this reason alone , the people are not really up to the task of even thinking about doing something nice in return for the police people who laughingly fleece them during the year. Remember , the police do not fleece the rich and in return , the rich don't do something nice for them. That's what money is for. The common folks are not known for their wealth which is why the police fleece them. Now do you understand?
Besides , when you think about it , Franklin Police enjoy Christmas every day of every year. When they aren't fleecing Franklinites of their money , they are stealing from them and don't forget the burglary and vandalism that they enjoy so much. Yes , Franklin Police even have a good reason to smile that crooked smile of theirs ass they enjoy a good torture session every time the moment arises , so , they really don't have a reason to Bitch about Christmas , every time they don't get their names on Santa's list.
Soooo , remember boys and girls , it's Christmas time. A thief's favorite time of the year.
For those who do not remember , Franklin Police did steal the Christmas surprise for the Red Cross 2 years ago. It was a nice gift which does explain why they did what they did.
Oh? You don't understand why Franklin Police would steal Christmas from The Red Cross? Ask yourself this question - do people around you reward you for Shitting on them? Of course not , "Dumb Ass". Franklin Police fleece the people during the year. Which would certainly explain why the public people don't think much of them during Christmas time. The Red Cross is well known for helping people during the year. And so it's not surprising those people would want to do something nice for them to show their appreciation.
Here in Franklin , rich people typically give to the police and/or their counter part , The FOP , money towards their favorite charity , aka "Themselves" and so for this reason alone , the people are not really up to the task of even thinking about doing something nice in return for the police people who laughingly fleece them during the year. Remember , the police do not fleece the rich and in return , the rich don't do something nice for them. That's what money is for. The common folks are not known for their wealth which is why the police fleece them. Now do you understand?
Besides , when you think about it , Franklin Police enjoy Christmas every day of every year. When they aren't fleecing Franklinites of their money , they are stealing from them and don't forget the burglary and vandalism that they enjoy so much. Yes , Franklin Police even have a good reason to smile that crooked smile of theirs ass they enjoy a good torture session every time the moment arises , so , they really don't have a reason to Bitch about Christmas , every time they don't get their names on Santa's list.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Why All The Lies?
Franklin , Tennessee - ass I have pointed out , Franklin Police Detective Black , has lied to too many people. It seems Mr. Black just won't tell the truth about anything , regardless , not even if a promotion was lying in front of him , Mr. Black simply will NOT tell the truth.
Why ?
Let's do some math , shall we? Keep in mind , the only reason a person lies is to hide the "real" truth from anyone/everyone. I wonder what truth Mr. Black is hiding , from US or perhaps from himself?
Let's see what's on the lying list , shall we?
1. - A private residence sustained 17,000 dollar$ in theft and vandalism. Detective Black personally knows who did this and will not arrest them.
2. - An infant has been tortured from the time of his birth , to the first 2 years of his life. Mr. Black knows the people doing this and will not arrest them. (what could a new born baby have done to piss someone off to make them want to torture him?)
3. - A ham radio sustained 300 dollars damage from vandals. This radio was to be used for emergency communications for the local communities. Detective Black personally knows the person who did this and will not arrest him. This radio could not be used for recent hurricane in the gulf.
4. - A supply of emergency medical equipment and supplies was stolen from a local community. This equipment was to be used by the community in the event of an emergency , like a tornado for example. Detective Black personally knows the person who did this and will not arrest him.
5. - A vintage car sustained 2,000 dollars of damage , from deliberate vandalism. Detective Black knows the person who did this and will not arrest him.
6. - The front storm glass door was deliberately busted at a private residence by a person , whom Detective Black knows very well. Mr. Black refuses to arrest him.
7. - A computer was vandalized by a person , whom Detective Black also happens to know very well. Mr. Black refuses to arrest him.
8. - Detective Black has been observed , lying to his fellow police officers , on more than one occasion.
9. - Detective Black instigated the torture of a prisoner in irons by 4 Franklin Police officers.
10. - Detective Black knows about bugging rooms where business meetings are held , at the instruction of Jay Johnson. Sgt. Warner also knows about this.
11. Detective Black refuses to discuss the great Red Cross robbery from 2 years ago because he personally knows the person who did it AND , he will not arrest him.
12. Detective Black has lied about tapping people's phones at their residence.
What in the Hell is going on , here in Franklin? I don't know. Butt , it is obvious ass to why Franklin Police do not publish this town's criminal statistics , is'nt it?
Kat : You know Jerry , some people lie themselves so far into a corner , they can not see the light of day. Being in that position , the only thing they do know for reality is that they can not tell the truth or else it's their neck. Mr. Black appears to be so far into a corner , he can't see the light of day
Jerry : You know Kat , some people are so deep in dishonest behavior , they have probably forgot what daylight even looks like.
Kat : Well , this list of Detective Black's activities shows US all what happens when a person has "power" with no accountability.
Jerry : Now you are talking about Jay Johnson
Kat : You know , if he was sooooo powerful , how come he got fired?
Jerry : I would have to say , all of his under handed , under the table business dealings , pushed his ass out the door before his activities could be exposed , which might have led to several law suits.
Kat : Torturing an infant. What in God's name are these police officers thinking? I mean really. Are they our police officers? I mean are they , really , really , REALLY , our Franklin Police officers?
Jerry : I'm afraid so.
Kat : Says a lot about OUR town , doesn't it?
Jerry : Truth is Truth
Kat : Yes , Truth is Truth. The way you talk of Franklin Police , I'd swear you were talking about Washington politicians.
Jerry : Is there a difference?
Kat : Hmmm , apparently not
Jerry : O Kay then
Why ?
Let's do some math , shall we? Keep in mind , the only reason a person lies is to hide the "real" truth from anyone/everyone. I wonder what truth Mr. Black is hiding , from US or perhaps from himself?
Let's see what's on the lying list , shall we?
1. - A private residence sustained 17,000 dollar$ in theft and vandalism. Detective Black personally knows who did this and will not arrest them.
2. - An infant has been tortured from the time of his birth , to the first 2 years of his life. Mr. Black knows the people doing this and will not arrest them. (what could a new born baby have done to piss someone off to make them want to torture him?)
3. - A ham radio sustained 300 dollars damage from vandals. This radio was to be used for emergency communications for the local communities. Detective Black personally knows the person who did this and will not arrest him. This radio could not be used for recent hurricane in the gulf.
4. - A supply of emergency medical equipment and supplies was stolen from a local community. This equipment was to be used by the community in the event of an emergency , like a tornado for example. Detective Black personally knows the person who did this and will not arrest him.
5. - A vintage car sustained 2,000 dollars of damage , from deliberate vandalism. Detective Black knows the person who did this and will not arrest him.
6. - The front storm glass door was deliberately busted at a private residence by a person , whom Detective Black knows very well. Mr. Black refuses to arrest him.
7. - A computer was vandalized by a person , whom Detective Black also happens to know very well. Mr. Black refuses to arrest him.
8. - Detective Black has been observed , lying to his fellow police officers , on more than one occasion.
9. - Detective Black instigated the torture of a prisoner in irons by 4 Franklin Police officers.
10. - Detective Black knows about bugging rooms where business meetings are held , at the instruction of Jay Johnson. Sgt. Warner also knows about this.
11. Detective Black refuses to discuss the great Red Cross robbery from 2 years ago because he personally knows the person who did it AND , he will not arrest him.
12. Detective Black has lied about tapping people's phones at their residence.
What in the Hell is going on , here in Franklin? I don't know. Butt , it is obvious ass to why Franklin Police do not publish this town's criminal statistics , is'nt it?
Kat : You know Jerry , some people lie themselves so far into a corner , they can not see the light of day. Being in that position , the only thing they do know for reality is that they can not tell the truth or else it's their neck. Mr. Black appears to be so far into a corner , he can't see the light of day
Jerry : You know Kat , some people are so deep in dishonest behavior , they have probably forgot what daylight even looks like.
Kat : Well , this list of Detective Black's activities shows US all what happens when a person has "power" with no accountability.
Jerry : Now you are talking about Jay Johnson
Kat : You know , if he was sooooo powerful , how come he got fired?
Jerry : I would have to say , all of his under handed , under the table business dealings , pushed his ass out the door before his activities could be exposed , which might have led to several law suits.
Kat : Torturing an infant. What in God's name are these police officers thinking? I mean really. Are they our police officers? I mean are they , really , really , REALLY , our Franklin Police officers?
Jerry : I'm afraid so.
Kat : Says a lot about OUR town , doesn't it?
Jerry : Truth is Truth
Kat : Yes , Truth is Truth. The way you talk of Franklin Police , I'd swear you were talking about Washington politicians.
Jerry : Is there a difference?
Kat : Hmmm , apparently not
Jerry : O Kay then
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Franklin Police History Book #5
Franklin , Tennessee - here's an interesting page from the Franklin Police History book
At one time in Franklin , the best apartments were on this hill , called Royal Oaks Apartments. These were really nice big units , and , there were even town houses . Very nice !
Of course this was all before Saturn came to town. Anyway , after wards , there was a criminal case concerning 2 guys raping a local girl. The unique fact about this case? The guys took photos of each other taking turns with her. Yep , you read correctly , there's photogenic proof of the rape. Lt. Tim Taylor , Franklin Police CID , knew about these photos. What's strange about the case ? Where are the photos ? Three people know where they are. ( OK , make that 4 , unofficially ) For what ever reasons , the photos were not destroyed , and , were kept from being seen in court. The 2 guys got off due to a lack of evidence , while enjoying their photos. I'll let you do the math.
Kat : Hey Jerry , how do you know this ?
Jerry : I can't say , a certain Franklin Police detective (who's now gone) says this is illegal. Therefore , I can not say.
At one time in Franklin , the best apartments were on this hill , called Royal Oaks Apartments. These were really nice big units , and , there were even town houses . Very nice !
Of course this was all before Saturn came to town. Anyway , after wards , there was a criminal case concerning 2 guys raping a local girl. The unique fact about this case? The guys took photos of each other taking turns with her. Yep , you read correctly , there's photogenic proof of the rape. Lt. Tim Taylor , Franklin Police CID , knew about these photos. What's strange about the case ? Where are the photos ? Three people know where they are. ( OK , make that 4 , unofficially ) For what ever reasons , the photos were not destroyed , and , were kept from being seen in court. The 2 guys got off due to a lack of evidence , while enjoying their photos. I'll let you do the math.
Kat : Hey Jerry , how do you know this ?
Jerry : I can't say , a certain Franklin Police detective (who's now gone) says this is illegal. Therefore , I can not say.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Franklin , Tennessee - what kind of a person would deliberately torture a new born infant? What kind of a person , would torture that same , new born infant , up thru their first 2 years , being alive on this earth? I mean , what would a person even look like , who takes delight on torturing an infant ?
When you see a Franklin Police officer , standing before you in their "SS" style police uniform , and smiling , ass he looks down upon you , then you will have answers , to all of these questions.
Ask Franklin Police Detective Black , if I'm lying. Go on now. Don't take my word for any of this. Ask him. Don't be bashful. Just GO , and look straight into his beady little , Vulture like , hungry eyeballs , and ask him , if Jerry Horne is lying about anything.
Franklin Police Sgt. Warner also knows , I'm telling the truth.
You know what's really sad about all of this? Detective Black finds , this all to be , just so ridiculously funny. (Mr. Black uses "ridiculous" , for his new learned word of the day , everyday)
This is the stuff that helps , to make our "ridiculous" Franklin Police Department , what it is today. THE TENNESSEAN can not and will not report this. Neither will Mitchell N. 'de-Kline , nor even The Review Appeal , and most "ridiculously" special , The Williamson A.M.
Now , aren't you proud , of "yours and mine" , Franklin Police Department? I know they are very proud for themselves , while looking forwards , towards their future torture achievements of high adventure.
When you see a Franklin Police officer , standing before you in their "SS" style police uniform , and smiling , ass he looks down upon you , then you will have answers , to all of these questions.
Ask Franklin Police Detective Black , if I'm lying. Go on now. Don't take my word for any of this. Ask him. Don't be bashful. Just GO , and look straight into his beady little , Vulture like , hungry eyeballs , and ask him , if Jerry Horne is lying about anything.
Franklin Police Sgt. Warner also knows , I'm telling the truth.
You know what's really sad about all of this? Detective Black finds , this all to be , just so ridiculously funny. (Mr. Black uses "ridiculous" , for his new learned word of the day , everyday)
This is the stuff that helps , to make our "ridiculous" Franklin Police Department , what it is today. THE TENNESSEAN can not and will not report this. Neither will Mitchell N. 'de-Kline , nor even The Review Appeal , and most "ridiculously" special , The Williamson A.M.
Now , aren't you proud , of "yours and mine" , Franklin Police Department? I know they are very proud for themselves , while looking forwards , towards their future torture achievements of high adventure.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Franklin Police Think Like Thieves
Franklin , Tennessee - when it rains in Franklin , it's pooring in Franklin and that's exactly what happened to 3 kids this last holiday season. There were these kids in town , visiting with friends during their holiday break from college and wouldn't you know it , those friendships went south and the 3 kids suddenly found themselves out in the street , with no where to go. Soooo , not wanting to return to school just yet , these kids decided to camp out in a vacant house , using an open window for entry.
The homeowner found out and called the police. At the moment , the kids were not there , butt , their belongings were. A sample of items present was a vehicle title , credit card , prescription drugs , paper roller , various clothing , suit cases and a really nice looking camera.
This camera has lots of buttons and a large LCD screen. It looks like one of those 600+ dollar cameras. It was reeeeeeeally nice. The police officer smilingly made the remark , " Keep what ever you find. Their stuff does not belong here. "
I'll shorten this story. It's interesting the police kept the card and drugs. " It's for safe keeping. " an officer said. " They can come on down to headquarters and claim their things. " ( this is an old police trick. The person shows up to claim their property and they get arrested at the same time. This tactic saves the police a lot of hassle tracking down the right " wanted " person )
Hmmmm , where's the camera ? It's interesting to note that suddenly , Franklin Police did not know anything about a camera. I know about the camera because I saw it. You would think the police would especially want to keep that item safe from thievery , right along with the other items , I mean , after all , doesn't a police officer's responsibilities include safe guarding personal property ? Hmmmmmmmmm , and yet , it looks like the police may have 5 fingered a camera.
Meanwhile , the police got statements from a Bob Parks real estate consultant. Some of the remarks were lies , butt , the police ate 'em up any way. ( it's interesting this consultant had earlier stated , that it was illegal for him to be there , under the circumstances , so , why is he there AND talking to the police ? )
I'll wrap this up - just because these kids did something really stupid , does not mean , it's OK to steal their stuff and just because these kids showed a horrible lack of respect and common sense , does not mean it's OK to tell lies about what they had done.
Oh yeah , for those who think I'm making this story up , here's the case number. 2009000015 Also , keep in mind , this is the kind of stuff , you won't find Mitchel Kline writing about , in your local news paper.
This incident is a good example of what's gone wrong with this country. It's not a wonder to me , why GOD no longer blesses America.
The homeowner found out and called the police. At the moment , the kids were not there , butt , their belongings were. A sample of items present was a vehicle title , credit card , prescription drugs , paper roller , various clothing , suit cases and a really nice looking camera.
This camera has lots of buttons and a large LCD screen. It looks like one of those 600+ dollar cameras. It was reeeeeeeally nice. The police officer smilingly made the remark , " Keep what ever you find. Their stuff does not belong here. "
I'll shorten this story. It's interesting the police kept the card and drugs. " It's for safe keeping. " an officer said. " They can come on down to headquarters and claim their things. " ( this is an old police trick. The person shows up to claim their property and they get arrested at the same time. This tactic saves the police a lot of hassle tracking down the right " wanted " person )
Hmmmm , where's the camera ? It's interesting to note that suddenly , Franklin Police did not know anything about a camera. I know about the camera because I saw it. You would think the police would especially want to keep that item safe from thievery , right along with the other items , I mean , after all , doesn't a police officer's responsibilities include safe guarding personal property ? Hmmmmmmmmm , and yet , it looks like the police may have 5 fingered a camera.
Meanwhile , the police got statements from a Bob Parks real estate consultant. Some of the remarks were lies , butt , the police ate 'em up any way. ( it's interesting this consultant had earlier stated , that it was illegal for him to be there , under the circumstances , so , why is he there AND talking to the police ? )
I'll wrap this up - just because these kids did something really stupid , does not mean , it's OK to steal their stuff and just because these kids showed a horrible lack of respect and common sense , does not mean it's OK to tell lies about what they had done.
Oh yeah , for those who think I'm making this story up , here's the case number. 2009000015 Also , keep in mind , this is the kind of stuff , you won't find Mitchel Kline writing about , in your local news paper.
This incident is a good example of what's gone wrong with this country. It's not a wonder to me , why GOD no longer blesses America.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
This Is How It Feels
Franklin , Tennessee - Craig got arrested for walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk , during his visit to the great City of Franklin. Last night , he told the audience how it felt
Monday, November 2, 2009
Where Does It Say That ?
Franklin , Tennessee -
Hmmm , I don't see it here. Where does it say that again ? I'm lost here.
Maybe he's got it upside down , again.
Again ?
Maybe you are not reading it right.
No , it is not upside down , again. Are you saying I can't read?
Well , if the brain pan fits.
Sshh. Hey , quiet down , he's taking the picture. Look up , look up Psssst , look up ! Smile !
Friday, October 30, 2009
Franklin Fights For More Greek Columns
The City of this here Franklin , Tennessee - how many real citizens , really know about the squabble over the Greek columns ? The Other Justice Center wants everyone to know , that they should have the bigger of the biggest ones in the city , while Franklin Police claim , that they should have the biggest of the bigger columns. After all , if it weren't for the police , no one in The Other Justice Center would have a job to do. So , let's see how this argument is coming along , shall we ? And uh , umm , just so you know , sometimes they enjoy cross dressing with roll playing during the Halloween season. So , what do you say , we have a go at the freak show and peek thru the pee pee hole , shall we ?

In case you don't recognize him , that's Det. Black in the beard.
In case you don't recognize him , that's Det. Black in the beard.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Americans Are So Lucky
Franklin , Tennessee - I just love to eat , don't you? My favorite foods are those for the brain. You know , the thinking stuff to think about. Here's something for you to think about.
Being in America while living in Franklin , we have so much to be thankful for. Here's an example - in other countries , their local , state and country police are allowed beat , torture and/or kill people , just for the Hell of it (it gives them something to do) with the added benefit of the people being scared of them.
Here in Franklin , the police hand out traffic citations to give them something to do. (There is no evidence to show , giving a citation will cut down the number of deaths/accidents on the highways) By fleecing our pockets , they make friends with our community leaders (politicians get a percentage of their action) who think it's better to take our money than to "just kill us". (remember , politicians do not get traffic citations) The thinking here in Franklin is , politicians believe it is better to take money from the people than to just kill them because they can take more from you in the long run. (dead people don't have money to take from)
Makes ya think , don't it?
Being in America while living in Franklin , we have so much to be thankful for. Here's an example - in other countries , their local , state and country police are allowed beat , torture and/or kill people , just for the Hell of it (it gives them something to do) with the added benefit of the people being scared of them.
Here in Franklin , the police hand out traffic citations to give them something to do. (There is no evidence to show , giving a citation will cut down the number of deaths/accidents on the highways) By fleecing our pockets , they make friends with our community leaders (politicians get a percentage of their action) who think it's better to take our money than to "just kill us". (remember , politicians do not get traffic citations) The thinking here in Franklin is , politicians believe it is better to take money from the people than to just kill them because they can take more from you in the long run. (dead people don't have money to take from)
Makes ya think , don't it?
Monday, October 26, 2009
Who's Got The Biggest Column ?
Franklin , Tennessee - people have asked while pondering the ever wondering question , why is it , Jay Johnson commands the Franklin Police Department , when there is a police Chief on the payroll ?
This is what's found/learned. Jay Johnson , aka Good Ole Boy JJ , wanted to be a policeman all of his life , butt , he could not be one because of past problems with some city's somewhere else law. In time , he realized , that by becoming a city administrator , any city administrator , he can command an entire city , including the police department , without needing to meet police officer requirements.
Soooooooo , one fine day , he had a word with Chief jackie that led up to a " show me yours and I'll show you mine " , display of " columns ". JJ won and thus took over ass the commandering and Chief God King of The Franklin Police Department. jackie , having never been man enough to stand his own ground and so JJ was kind enough to keep him around on payroll , to maintain the look of having a police Chief.
Now do you understand why Greek columns are so important to Franklin image ?
This is what's found/learned. Jay Johnson , aka Good Ole Boy JJ , wanted to be a policeman all of his life , butt , he could not be one because of past problems with some city's somewhere else law. In time , he realized , that by becoming a city administrator , any city administrator , he can command an entire city , including the police department , without needing to meet police officer requirements.
Soooooooo , one fine day , he had a word with Chief jackie that led up to a " show me yours and I'll show you mine " , display of " columns ". JJ won and thus took over ass the commandering and Chief God King of The Franklin Police Department. jackie , having never been man enough to stand his own ground and so JJ was kind enough to keep him around on payroll , to maintain the look of having a police Chief.
Now do you understand why Greek columns are so important to Franklin image ?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Franklin's Fight For Bigger & Better Columns Grows Bigger
Downtown Franklin , Tennessee - the buzzing news around Downtown Franklin has become the argument over the new Franklin Police Headquarters having BIGGER Greek columns than That " Other " Justice Center.
This argument has gotten so large , that no one at That " Other " Justice Center can get anything done , much less even do their own work. ( don't ask )
It seems those judges , well , any judge , regardless of designer robes , have declared they should have the largest of the larger columns , regardless of costing more at taxpayer's expense. After all they claim , they are worth it and so much more.
Please note - We regret to say , that a picture is not available at this time , due to the size of the columns verses the size of our camera and we are presently negotiating with NASA for a picture. It seems the columns are so large , it was thought missiles of mass destruction , were awaiting launch , from right here on "Good 'Ole Boys" Street in Downtown Franklin.
This argument has gotten so large , that no one at That " Other " Justice Center can get anything done , much less even do their own work. ( don't ask )
It seems those judges , well , any judge , regardless of designer robes , have declared they should have the largest of the larger columns , regardless of costing more at taxpayer's expense. After all they claim , they are worth it and so much more.
Please note - We regret to say , that a picture is not available at this time , due to the size of the columns verses the size of our camera and we are presently negotiating with NASA for a picture. It seems the columns are so large , it was thought missiles of mass destruction , were awaiting launch , from right here on "Good 'Ole Boys" Street in Downtown Franklin.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Looking For Work ?
Franklin , Tennessee - How would you like to work a job without any accountability issues what so ever? That's right. Imagine a job having no responsibilities for your miss-actions and mistakes.
How would you like a great paying job where you can:
Have fun collecting naked pictures of men's wives
Have fun collecting and swapping kiddie porn pictures with your friends
Get high smoking the best grade grass for free
Have more fun doing recreational drugs for free
Get better gym work outs by beating up people
Exercise your penis by Fucking something young and tender
Break into someone's home
Have a pimp pay YOU for a change ( do you want that in American dollars or Chinese pussy)
How would you like to do all of this and more without worrying about getting caught? How would you like to do these things without the jail time? How would you like a job like this without having that long assed commute to Nashville?
Well look no further my friends. Franklin Police are looking for a few good "Bad Assed" , ill tempered people with short trigger fingers and YES , you just might qualify. Think about it , I'll say it again. "You just might qualify." Go ahead , apply today and find out if you can be one of the few , the proud and above the law ( That's right folks ). Our very own , privately operated , taxpayer funded , Franklin Police Department is hiring.
Remember , there's only ONE real Franklin Police Department in this Great State of Tennessee. There's no reason to settle for less @ those other Franklin Police Departments
How would you like a great paying job where you can:
Have fun collecting naked pictures of men's wives
Have fun collecting and swapping kiddie porn pictures with your friends
Get high smoking the best grade grass for free
Have more fun doing recreational drugs for free
Get better gym work outs by beating up people
Exercise your penis by Fucking something young and tender
Break into someone's home
Have a pimp pay YOU for a change ( do you want that in American dollars or Chinese pussy)
How would you like to do all of this and more without worrying about getting caught? How would you like to do these things without the jail time? How would you like a job like this without having that long assed commute to Nashville?
Well look no further my friends. Franklin Police are looking for a few good "Bad Assed" , ill tempered people with short trigger fingers and YES , you just might qualify. Think about it , I'll say it again. "You just might qualify." Go ahead , apply today and find out if you can be one of the few , the proud and above the law ( That's right folks ). Our very own , privately operated , taxpayer funded , Franklin Police Department is hiring.
Remember , there's only ONE real Franklin Police Department in this Great State of Tennessee. There's no reason to settle for less @ those other Franklin Police Departments
Friday, October 16, 2009
Tennessee Seatbelt Law
Franklin , Tennessee - today's discussion was about a person not being able to wear a seat belt. Followed by , " Can a person be pulled over , just on a seat belt violation ? "
The answer is a simple , " Yes " , Franklin Police can/will pull you over , if they do not see the shoulder strap in use. Otherwise , the police do not need an excuse/reason to pull you over. They are going to do what ever they please anyway. That's the way it is , here in Franklin.
If a person can not wear a seat belt , they need a doctor's reason , stating why. The statement also needs the doctor's name and contact number. Butt remember , the police do not have to acknowledge it since they are habitually obtusive in nature anyway per Jay Johnson's directives.
Keep in mind , the Franklin Police officer will tell you , ( I won't give the officer's name ) that a paper from the court is also needed , along with the doctor's statement. Well folks , that's just a line of Bullshit coming from an asshole's ass as usual. Franklin court does not issue just any kind of paper for some silly assed reason or other , just because some silly assed police officer says so. Remember , the court system in this city is a complicated mess , deliberately designed to prevent something good/necessary from being accomplished by someone outside of their circle. ( That's why you need council and yes , I does know , what I'm telling you here is accurate )
For those people who think I'm making this up , go ask a judge if I'm lying.
The answer is a simple , " Yes " , Franklin Police can/will pull you over , if they do not see the shoulder strap in use. Otherwise , the police do not need an excuse/reason to pull you over. They are going to do what ever they please anyway. That's the way it is , here in Franklin.
If a person can not wear a seat belt , they need a doctor's reason , stating why. The statement also needs the doctor's name and contact number. Butt remember , the police do not have to acknowledge it since they are habitually obtusive in nature anyway per Jay Johnson's directives.
Keep in mind , the Franklin Police officer will tell you , ( I won't give the officer's name ) that a paper from the court is also needed , along with the doctor's statement. Well folks , that's just a line of Bullshit coming from an asshole's ass as usual. Franklin court does not issue just any kind of paper for some silly assed reason or other , just because some silly assed police officer says so. Remember , the court system in this city is a complicated mess , deliberately designed to prevent something good/necessary from being accomplished by someone outside of their circle. ( That's why you need council and yes , I does know , what I'm telling you here is accurate )
For those people who think I'm making this up , go ask a judge if I'm lying.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Why All The Lies ?
Franklin , Tennessee - by "Kat" - as Jerry has stated , Detective Black of The Franklin Police Department , is a chronic liar. Why is that? Think about it , why does a person lie in the first place? It's because they are covering up something. I wonder what Mr. Black is covering up and or may be protecting?
Let's see , there is that burglary/vandalism of 17,00 dollars to a private residence. There is stealing from The Red Cross going on and Mr. Black does know who did the deeds and he deliberately makes no attempt to arrest them. Why? Keep in mind , Franklin Police Detectives Barnes and Dixon also know about this crime and they are not making a move to arrest the guilty either. So what's going on?
By doing the math , you can easily see , this is not the first time , Franklin Police have broken the law. Think about it. Franklin Police are here in existence to protect "US" , the people and our property from criminals and all the while , Franklin Police themselves ARE the criminals. They are doing the burglaring. The judges and even the DA , hiding behind those Greek columns , they too know I'm telling the truth here , butt , even they won't step up to the plate and act because they are afraid of what would happen (and they don't want to lose all of those perks).
Well? What would happen? The people would no longer trust the police. The people would suddenly be afraid of the police. They would have no idea of who to trust. There would even be the risk of social order breakdown. Now can you understand why Franklin Police have a Chief , who refuses to step down in retirement? How do you walk away from all of this while keeping it a secret? Who can he trust to continue in his footsteps of covering up this kind of criminal activity? And yes , the money is just "TOO GOOD" , to simply walk away from.
The Williamson County Sheriff's Department also knows I'm telling the truth here. This is the reason a huge , gigantic rift exists today between them and Franklin Police. The law does not arrest the law for breaking the law. This unwritten law has been on the books for an uncountable number of years. Now do you understand the need for The FOP? They are all in it together and they all know , they are all accountable if SHIT hits the fan if / when this fact goes public.
"Turning off the lights" would have a whole new meaning.
This is the stuff Mitchel Kline can not report. Neither can THE TENNESSEAN or even THE WILLIAMSON AM and , well , everyone already knows THE REVIEW APPEAL is no longer considered to be a newsy paper any more after Jay Johnson got his hands on it.
So now you know the truth about Detective Black and The Franklin Police Department.
by Cathryn "Kat" Solurgeen
Let's see , there is that burglary/vandalism of 17,00 dollars to a private residence. There is stealing from The Red Cross going on and Mr. Black does know who did the deeds and he deliberately makes no attempt to arrest them. Why? Keep in mind , Franklin Police Detectives Barnes and Dixon also know about this crime and they are not making a move to arrest the guilty either. So what's going on?
By doing the math , you can easily see , this is not the first time , Franklin Police have broken the law. Think about it. Franklin Police are here in existence to protect "US" , the people and our property from criminals and all the while , Franklin Police themselves ARE the criminals. They are doing the burglaring. The judges and even the DA , hiding behind those Greek columns , they too know I'm telling the truth here , butt , even they won't step up to the plate and act because they are afraid of what would happen (and they don't want to lose all of those perks).
Well? What would happen? The people would no longer trust the police. The people would suddenly be afraid of the police. They would have no idea of who to trust. There would even be the risk of social order breakdown. Now can you understand why Franklin Police have a Chief , who refuses to step down in retirement? How do you walk away from all of this while keeping it a secret? Who can he trust to continue in his footsteps of covering up this kind of criminal activity? And yes , the money is just "TOO GOOD" , to simply walk away from.
The Williamson County Sheriff's Department also knows I'm telling the truth here. This is the reason a huge , gigantic rift exists today between them and Franklin Police. The law does not arrest the law for breaking the law. This unwritten law has been on the books for an uncountable number of years. Now do you understand the need for The FOP? They are all in it together and they all know , they are all accountable if SHIT hits the fan if / when this fact goes public.
"Turning off the lights" would have a whole new meaning.
This is the stuff Mitchel Kline can not report. Neither can THE TENNESSEAN or even THE WILLIAMSON AM and , well , everyone already knows THE REVIEW APPEAL is no longer considered to be a newsy paper any more after Jay Johnson got his hands on it.
So now you know the truth about Detective Black and The Franklin Police Department.
by Cathryn "Kat" Solurgeen
Monday, October 12, 2009
Do You Feel Safe Living in Franklin
Franklin , Tennessee - Once upon a time , the local REVIEW APPEAL asked 5 Franklin residents , " Do you feel safe ? " Let me tell you something I know. A red armored truck has been sitting in the parking lot at Red Dog liquors beside the Publix grocery. It watches people going into Red Dog and then follows them home. After watching their home , they have an idea of when it's safe to break into their house to steal stuff. Franklin Police Det. Dixon @ 550 - 6758 , knows who these people are and he said he can't do anything about them.
For those people who think I'm making this up , go ask Mr. Dixon for yourself. Does he give you an answer or something else?
So , Franklin , " How safe do you really feel ? "
Friday, October 9, 2009
Franklin Police Win Nobel
Franklin , Tennessee - It has finally been announced , that President Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize.
In the continuing series saga of "under the table talks" (UTTT) about Franklin Police , it has been decided that if such an award was given for doing unto others in the opposite direction , like for example , being wrong , telling lies and doing evil unto others , Franklin Police would win without any necessary discussion.
In the continuing series saga of "under the table talks" (UTTT) about Franklin Police , it has been decided that if such an award was given for doing unto others in the opposite direction , like for example , being wrong , telling lies and doing evil unto others , Franklin Police would win without any necessary discussion.
Franklin Crime Wave
Franklin , Tennessee - have you ever wondered about Franklin crime rate? What the crime statistics are and for what crime? Which criminal activity is the most popular and/or favorite? Have you ever wondered why it is , Franklin Police don't want you to know these things?
Well wonder no more. The reason Franklin Police don't let these figures out is because they are the perpetrators. That's right. Franklin Police are the criminals breaking the law and they are laughing about it. Yep , no one investigates Franklin Police. Yep , the perfect crime wave.
I have wondered about how many homes have they broke into. It's a good bet , Franklin Police won't tell us because they don't have to. Franklin Police do not answer to the citizens of Franklin.
Well wonder no more. The reason Franklin Police don't let these figures out is because they are the perpetrators. That's right. Franklin Police are the criminals breaking the law and they are laughing about it. Yep , no one investigates Franklin Police. Yep , the perfect crime wave.
I have wondered about how many homes have they broke into. It's a good bet , Franklin Police won't tell us because they don't have to. Franklin Police do not answer to the citizens of Franklin.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Moving In

Franklin , Tennessee - with the new police headquarters being built @ trumped up discount taxpayer rates , uninformed uniform personnel are not too sure where they fit in , once inside. Just leave it to Franklin's Bean Counter to have these answers and more. By using these simple cartoon graph maps , anyone can find their way , once inside the new building
Jerry : Wow , this is great , even I can understand this
Bean Counter : Exactly
Jerry : I noticed there's a lot of empty white space on these maps
Bean Counter : Yes , that's so anyone can rite or draw notes for future reference. Or , check this out , they can tear off little pieces from this map and leave a trail so they can retrace their footsteps later and not get lost.
Jerry : You mean like bread crumbs ?
Bean Counter : Exactly
Jerry : I was wondering. With all of those trails being left on the floor and criss crossing existing trails , won't things be getting confusing ass everyone leaves even more trails while others kick the crumbs across the floor?
Bean Counter : Heh heh heh , eeeexxxxactly riiiiiight my man , heh heh heh
Jerry : Soooooo , people will still be getting lost and not found anyway
Bean Counter : Exactly right
Jerry : Well then , if it's alright with you , I'll just make a big arrow across the walls as I walk around.
Bean Counter : What ever works for you is OK with me.
Monday, October 5, 2009
That's So Ridiculous
Franklin , Tennessee - Hey man , you got any naked pictures of your wife? Like , can I have some of them? No , I don't , BUTT , it's a good bet , your local , friendly , neighborhood Franklin Police Department do. They have these cute little 'o covert , color spy type cameras (CCSTC) that they enjoy sticking around everywhere in places like your home , your work , your bathroom , your bedroom , your secret place to Fuck your Ho' , Hell , there's even cameras where you masturbate. Aaaaaaaaaaaaand , yes , they do share these films. Some are way way and I do mean WAAAAY better than the movies at COMCASTIC COMCAST.
Detective Black looks over the material before calling his buddies (including of course , his favorite person , Jay Johnson) advising them to grab the beer , grab the snacks and come on down! It's SHOW TIME ! !
You think the judge , the DA , or even the Police Chief don't know what's going on? Why Hell , even they get invited to the movies. Noooow , do you understand why Franklin Police officers do not have any accountability or even credibility? Have you even noticed how paranoid they act , sometimes? And , if you think a judge needs to sign some order for a surveillance , well , you've been watching too much TV. The judge's job is to just watch the films of your naked wife and that's all , folks.
Yep , it takes all kinds of people to want to watch this stuff and they are right here in this little ole Christian town , known ass Franklin.
Yeah , naked pictures of your wife. Don't worry , they've got 'em in a safe place , heh heh heh
Yep , "ridiculous" , Detective Black's favorite word of the day , today and everyday.
Detective Black looks over the material before calling his buddies (including of course , his favorite person , Jay Johnson) advising them to grab the beer , grab the snacks and come on down! It's SHOW TIME ! !
You think the judge , the DA , or even the Police Chief don't know what's going on? Why Hell , even they get invited to the movies. Noooow , do you understand why Franklin Police officers do not have any accountability or even credibility? Have you even noticed how paranoid they act , sometimes? And , if you think a judge needs to sign some order for a surveillance , well , you've been watching too much TV. The judge's job is to just watch the films of your naked wife and that's all , folks.
Yep , it takes all kinds of people to want to watch this stuff and they are right here in this little ole Christian town , known ass Franklin.
Yeah , naked pictures of your wife. Don't worry , they've got 'em in a safe place , heh heh heh
Yep , "ridiculous" , Detective Black's favorite word of the day , today and everyday.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Franklin Police History Book #4
Franklin , Tennessee - Once upon a time-Downtown Franklin was having a nasty burglar problem. Franklin Police were unable to catch or even solve who was doing these things. Even the downtown Bike shop got hit ( across from the now new justice center ). It was that bad.
Finally , someone had a brain fart and suggested a steake' out. Sooooo , one evening , while everyone on the force was departmentally enjoying themselves eating catered steake' downtown , Downtown Franklin got hit again. A few hmmmms , groooooans and a couple of really good Damns later , it was realized they were just not able to catch those thieving burglars and couldn't understand why.
Well , come one Damn fine morning , a Franklin Police officer starts to get into his patrol car to start his shift , only to discover his car door was open , and inside , was the Banana Boy himself , sound asleep and snoring at the wheel.( this was in the days when Franklin Police could not afford new FORD cars or FORD car doors and had to make due with the FORD on hand ).
With a little detective work and questioning that Boy amid doing some Preebie-Freebie-Franklin Police Officer math101 , Franklin Police finally learned one of their very own had the Boy's back.
I'll give you a clue to who the officer was. Remember at one time , Downtown Franklin Metropolis had a walking patrol officer , complete with a badge and a gun ? There was this really pissy assed , bald headed fart , giving parking tickets to anyone and everyone for no reason. He was that pathetically upset for having his patrol car taken away ( now do you understand why he was referred to ass the walking patrol ).
Oddly enough , with him walking around Downtown , there were no more burglaries reported Downtown. ( In fact , due to this officer's perseverance against Downtown crime , the powers that were at the time in power , decided Downtown was finally safe enough to plant the new justice center Downtown ) And NO ! , Due to department policy politics , this officer could not be fired , or even be charged with the crimes he participated in.
Finally , someone had a brain fart and suggested a steake' out. Sooooo , one evening , while everyone on the force was departmentally enjoying themselves eating catered steake' downtown , Downtown Franklin got hit again. A few hmmmms , groooooans and a couple of really good Damns later , it was realized they were just not able to catch those thieving burglars and couldn't understand why.
Well , come one Damn fine morning , a Franklin Police officer starts to get into his patrol car to start his shift , only to discover his car door was open , and inside , was the Banana Boy himself , sound asleep and snoring at the wheel.( this was in the days when Franklin Police could not afford new FORD cars or FORD car doors and had to make due with the FORD on hand ).
With a little detective work and questioning that Boy amid doing some Preebie-Freebie-Franklin Police Officer math101 , Franklin Police finally learned one of their very own had the Boy's back.
I'll give you a clue to who the officer was. Remember at one time , Downtown Franklin Metropolis had a walking patrol officer , complete with a badge and a gun ? There was this really pissy assed , bald headed fart , giving parking tickets to anyone and everyone for no reason. He was that pathetically upset for having his patrol car taken away ( now do you understand why he was referred to ass the walking patrol ).
Oddly enough , with him walking around Downtown , there were no more burglaries reported Downtown. ( In fact , due to this officer's perseverance against Downtown crime , the powers that were at the time in power , decided Downtown was finally safe enough to plant the new justice center Downtown ) And NO ! , Due to department policy politics , this officer could not be fired , or even be charged with the crimes he participated in.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Franklin Police Officer Assaults EMT
Today is " Slap your Co-Worker " day. Which brings to mind an incident that occurred in September 2005.
At an EMT's house , a car with 3 teenagers crashed into the drive way culvert , one young lady bashed her head into the windshield.
After giving a statement to the Sargeant on the scene , the EMT went over to offer assistance to the ambulance crew. A Franklin Police officer struck the EMT and proceeded to push him a distance of 37 feet away from the scene. The Sargeant saw the incident , and to protect the officer from any possible complaint stated " He was acting benevolently belligerent , while imposing himself on everyone in a threatening hostile manner by packing the largest caliber laser light saber I've ever seen on this or any other planet. " The EMT was instructed to go inside his house or be arrested.
Tim Taylor , shift supervisor , had the responsibility to investigate this incident , since he was the most qualified from years of experience within CID. At the same time , Tim Taylor was being promoted to unemployed and the investigation was understandably placed into file 13.
This EMT has ten years ambulance experience , three years ER experience , search and rescue , cave rescue , and high angle rescue experience. The EMT stated " I reckon the only thing I haven't done is pull someone from a burning aircraft."
It is understood , that Franklin Police officers do not want a person with this sort of training and experience , come near them , should they be lying on the side of the road in need of emergency medical care. That's why the City of Franklin has their own ambulances.
The EMT does not want to sue. " What's the point ? It won't change anything and/or how the Franklin Police Department perceives the public. "
Also understandably , the Review Appeal could not report this , knowing that Franklin Police would permanently ban them from future access to confidential police files and illegal wiretaps. One person who did not want to give their name stated , " If the Review Appeal had reported that story , Franklin Police would have disowned them in a heart beat ! "
It is reported , the way this was handled , falls well within CALEA guidelines for political correctness.
At an EMT's house , a car with 3 teenagers crashed into the drive way culvert , one young lady bashed her head into the windshield.
After giving a statement to the Sargeant on the scene , the EMT went over to offer assistance to the ambulance crew. A Franklin Police officer struck the EMT and proceeded to push him a distance of 37 feet away from the scene. The Sargeant saw the incident , and to protect the officer from any possible complaint stated " He was acting benevolently belligerent , while imposing himself on everyone in a threatening hostile manner by packing the largest caliber laser light saber I've ever seen on this or any other planet. " The EMT was instructed to go inside his house or be arrested.
Tim Taylor , shift supervisor , had the responsibility to investigate this incident , since he was the most qualified from years of experience within CID. At the same time , Tim Taylor was being promoted to unemployed and the investigation was understandably placed into file 13.
This EMT has ten years ambulance experience , three years ER experience , search and rescue , cave rescue , and high angle rescue experience. The EMT stated " I reckon the only thing I haven't done is pull someone from a burning aircraft."
It is understood , that Franklin Police officers do not want a person with this sort of training and experience , come near them , should they be lying on the side of the road in need of emergency medical care. That's why the City of Franklin has their own ambulances.
The EMT does not want to sue. " What's the point ? It won't change anything and/or how the Franklin Police Department perceives the public. "
Also understandably , the Review Appeal could not report this , knowing that Franklin Police would permanently ban them from future access to confidential police files and illegal wiretaps. One person who did not want to give their name stated , " If the Review Appeal had reported that story , Franklin Police would have disowned them in a heart beat ! "
It is reported , the way this was handled , falls well within CALEA guidelines for political correctness.
Monday, September 28, 2009
A Masturbating What ?
Franklin , Tennessee - there are so many City of Franklin Fun Facts , I just don't know where to start. What do you say , we enjoy this one , from The Franklin Police Department. It's a " good ass " of a place to start ass any ass , right ?
Conan O Brian has his " Masturbating Bear " , ass seen on public TV on NBC
Franklin Police Chief jackie , has his " Masturbating in Public Franklin Police Officer " , ass seen obscene on public streets within The City of Franklin city limits
Despite numerous complaints and testimony , Franklin government and of course , Franklin Police and the FOP , refuse to enforce the law because this is a Franklin Police Officer breaking the law ( and there's nothing wrong or even publicly offensive with this , ass everyone knows , if you don't like what you are seeing , don't look at it :)
Dang it all to Hell ! Where's that Asshole of a Go2 guy when ya need him the most?
Conan O Brian has his " Masturbating Bear " , ass seen on public TV on NBC
Franklin Police Chief jackie , has his " Masturbating in Public Franklin Police Officer " , ass seen obscene on public streets within The City of Franklin city limits
Despite numerous complaints and testimony , Franklin government and of course , Franklin Police and the FOP , refuse to enforce the law because this is a Franklin Police Officer breaking the law ( and there's nothing wrong or even publicly offensive with this , ass everyone knows , if you don't like what you are seeing , don't look at it :)
Dang it all to Hell ! Where's that Asshole of a Go2 guy when ya need him the most?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
No Accountability = Torture In Irons
The City of Franklin , Tennessee - how many people know , that both , Franklin Mayor Schroer and Franklin Police Chief jackie , have in hand , their very own letter telling how 4 Franklin Police Officers were laughing their asses off while torturing a handicap person in irons ?
Neither have made an effort to comment. Now , to those people thinking I'm making this up , go ask the Mayor and/or the Chief for yourselves. The odds are 99.3% in my favor , you won't do that. Noooooooow , do you understand why the police act the way they do ? Now do you understand why they have no accountability ? They know they can do ass they Damn well please and YOU , yes " UUUUU " , won't do anything or even say anything about it. The Franklin Police Chief knows fully well , that Franklinites are waaaaaaaaaaay too busy sticking their heads in the sand. Anyone thinking I'm making this up are encouraged to contact Detective Black of The Franklin Police Department @ 791 3237
Even Channel Four knows I'm telling the truth butt won't report it because they are more 4 Themselves than FOR the Family.
I've said this many times over , Franklin Police have no accountability. In the mean time - Hey , who's house are they looking at , now ? Anything valuable inside it ? Hmmmm , maybeeee
Neither have made an effort to comment. Now , to those people thinking I'm making this up , go ask the Mayor and/or the Chief for yourselves. The odds are 99.3% in my favor , you won't do that. Noooooooow , do you understand why the police act the way they do ? Now do you understand why they have no accountability ? They know they can do ass they Damn well please and YOU , yes " UUUUU " , won't do anything or even say anything about it. The Franklin Police Chief knows fully well , that Franklinites are waaaaaaaaaaay too busy sticking their heads in the sand. Anyone thinking I'm making this up are encouraged to contact Detective Black of The Franklin Police Department @ 791 3237
Even Channel Four knows I'm telling the truth butt won't report it because they are more 4 Themselves than FOR the Family.
I've said this many times over , Franklin Police have no accountability. In the mean time - Hey , who's house are they looking at , now ? Anything valuable inside it ? Hmmmm , maybeeee
Truthemism Within the Law
City of Franklin , Tennessee - Ajax here , while talking with a law enforcement friend about Obama's " stupid " remarks , we got to wondering how a country , promoting Freedom and Liberty can have so many laws ? America today , has so many laws , every single honest and real American citizen is practically an illegal something or at least a convicted convict.
We got to talking about this fact and concluded , we can arrest anyone for anything and no one will question our word or even our integrity.
That's when my friend pointed out this simple fact : Franklin Police have already been doing this " stupid " stunt for years.
Like everyone says , " It takes one , to know what's going on , on the inside. "
People just don't realize , that CALEA accreditation means there is " NO " accountability on the police officer's shoulders , for their actions. Remember to say " Thank You " , to your politician the next time you see them. I wonder if that professor has read this blog , yet ?
We got to talking about this fact and concluded , we can arrest anyone for anything and no one will question our word or even our integrity.
That's when my friend pointed out this simple fact : Franklin Police have already been doing this " stupid " stunt for years.
Like everyone says , " It takes one , to know what's going on , on the inside. "
People just don't realize , that CALEA accreditation means there is " NO " accountability on the police officer's shoulders , for their actions. Remember to say " Thank You " , to your politician the next time you see them. I wonder if that professor has read this blog , yet ?
Police Chief Puppet
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
It's All About "The Money"
Franklin , Tennessee - is'nt it interesting how many times , I've mentioned there's nothing good to write about Franklin Police. Here we have the latest on Franklin Police fleecing Americans on the side of the road , right here in good ole Franklin , US of A.
That's right. I said "fleecing Americans". There's no proof what so ever , to show any traffic citation has ever saved a life. Not one , not nadda , not uno one-o. (and you won't read the truth about this in your local TENNESSEAN either)
Do you remember the book , written about speeding tickets , that was very popular several ago? It was authored by a police officer , believe it or not. He states in his book , that tickets were all about putting money into the city's coffers. He also wrote about the politics involved with traffic citations. Politicians were always arguing over how to spend all of that money. Here in Franklin , it gets spent on Greek columns.
Meanwhile , it is true , THE TENNESSEAN does indeed read this blog. I've already heard they are currently brain storming over a story to write about Franklin Police , since they have'nt wrote anything positive about them in the last one hundred years or so. Personally , I can't wait to read the lies they will have to contrive. It should be entertaining at the very minimum.
Hmmmm , perhaps they should hire me to write it , eh?
Many cities have ticket quotas for police officers to meet or else. Did you know , if Americans would use their CONSTITUTION , only politicians would then be getting traffic tickets. Butt , unfortunately , today , most Americans are too busy being lazy assed couch potatoes , which gives politicians even more incentive to fleece the voter/tax payers. Did you also know , THE CONSTITUTION was made for Americans to use? Most real Americans today don't have a clue what I'm talking about. The imported Americans do know what I'm talking about and they do use it , which is why they have all of those really really , real nice benefits that "Real Americans" don't qualify for.
Did'nt know that , did you?
What If They Were Elected ?
Franklin , Tennessee , Kat here - what if Franklin Police were elected positions? Well , think about it for a moment. They do have their heads up politician's asses and they doo doo enjoy their company , even if it is a rather dark place and they just WILL NOT give any of them a ticket for any violation or enFrackion of the law. Look at the money the Police Chief makes under the table. Yes , police positions sure look like political positions to me (any way you spell it , the letters still look like "PP" to me) ( I guess I better stop or I'll be laughing and this won't ever get done). Another way to look at this , is that our police department is also a part of our government's infra structure , right? Now then , think (can you do that?) , what if the police were elected positions? This would mean they would have to kiss our public ass , instead of Fracking it , right?
Sooooooo , some friends gathered 'round the ole camp fire to think about this concept and came up with a campaign slogan for our police to use and you'd better be careful with it because it's "Katchy" and also habit forming (I found myself singing it aloud while dumping the trash this morning). This will go along with several of your popularly favorite tunes , so again , I caution you to be careful or you just might find yourself singing this song without realizing that you're doing it in the company of someone else. For example , when I shower , I get "Happy" and this morning was no exception as I found myself singing these lines to several different tunes. I laughed till my sides hurt.
Franklin Police The Jackass for Tennessee
Franklin Police The Jackass for you 'n' me
and you just keep going with it , on and on and on and on and ect , ect , ect. "Katchy" :) , is'nt it ? We discovered it makes a great song for an all night kegger :)
Think about it - Franklin Police , "THE" JackAss for Tennessee , Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ooooh God! I can't stop laughing , Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
by Cathryn "Kat" Solurjeen
Sooooooo , some friends gathered 'round the ole camp fire to think about this concept and came up with a campaign slogan for our police to use and you'd better be careful with it because it's "Katchy" and also habit forming (I found myself singing it aloud while dumping the trash this morning). This will go along with several of your popularly favorite tunes , so again , I caution you to be careful or you just might find yourself singing this song without realizing that you're doing it in the company of someone else. For example , when I shower , I get "Happy" and this morning was no exception as I found myself singing these lines to several different tunes. I laughed till my sides hurt.
Franklin Police The Jackass for Tennessee
Franklin Police The Jackass for you 'n' me
and you just keep going with it , on and on and on and on and ect , ect , ect. "Katchy" :) , is'nt it ? We discovered it makes a great song for an all night kegger :)
Think about it - Franklin Police , "THE" JackAss for Tennessee , Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ooooh God! I can't stop laughing , Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
by Cathryn "Kat" Solurjeen
Franklin Police Are Scum
The City of Franklin , Tennessee : Talking with Ajax here and several questions have been asked of Jerry , concerning why Franklin Police are referred to , ass " Scum ". After searching through the data banks around here , around Franklin and around those other towns around Tennessee , here is how the story gets around to being told :
Once upon a time , Columbia Avenue was just a one lane street ( a cow's path actually ) , connecting Franklin Five Points with Columbia. Everyone going to Columbia , used this street because it was the only street going in that a way. In fact , Columbia Avenue is named after The Columbia Highway. Despite the fact , these two streets are one and the same , people today are still confused , as to what road goes where.
Back in those days , The City of Franklin really was a one horse town. People liked the police ( there was no need for the Citizens to have a Police Academy ) , H.G.Hills was "King" of ALL grocery stores and both , ( yes , both ) The Court House , including The Square , were friendly places to congregate and be seen. No one had heard of Tim Taylor , Kroger was some foreign word not found in the dictionary , Saturn was still a planet and no one had a use for a City Administrator , as the people were doing just fine on their own , Thank You very much
With time , ( because Franklin had nothing to offer it's young people ) H.G.Hills became the favorite place to hang on Saturday nights. Young people would cruise down town Franklin and " Scoop the Loop " around the square before parking it on the "Hills" parking lot and show off to everybody their catch. Being ass there were no problems outside of a few bare asses , Franklin Police really did have nothing to do. Everyone behaved while having fun and yelling at everyone driving by and this was the only place to hunt "Beaver" without a license
Well , wouldn't you jest know it. Franklin Police had some officers , who just couldn't keep it in their pants. ( and they were married too ) In time , several officers had caught themselves some Beaver with the "CLAP" and wouldn't you just know it ? ( Again ? Yes , again ) They finally learned that having had a Beaver with the CLAP in the morning , was nothing to clap about , after sharing it with "Momma"
Somehow , during all of that name calling , Franklin Police officers had cum to be known as "Scum" , by their wives and other loving family members and of course , by their own fellow police officers and friends and why , wood Woody need to ask you ask ? Because there were so many drippy dicks trailing in the police locker room , drippy dicks were trailing through the police bathroom , the police shower stalls , there were drips on the soap bars , in the sinks and oozing down the sinks , there was scum on the paper towel dispenser , scum deposits had stuck the toilet paper rolls together and there was scum even on the police toilet seats ( can you believe that ) and on their patrol cars seats and on and on and there were trailing scum wet spots seen dicking around the crotch of their pants. These officers would grunt and scratch and sniff themselves and then touch the equipment and grunt some more , leaving scum like "drippy dick fingerprint" trails everywhere. And let us not forget the tricky dicky (and yes) sticky wet scum carrying paperwork , they turned in , after doing their shifty work. Meanwhile , their drippy dicks and drippy tails had left wet spot trails everywhere else , including all of those other various wet spots belonging to their nooks and crannies , that were being left around the house at home. This problem became so problematic , that infected police officers couldn't go anywhere or even sit down anywhere , without leaving a freshly wet , "drippy dicking pecker trail" on something. Franklin Police officers couldn't go anywhere , without having scum strings dragging along behind them. It was like seeing spider webs coming out of their their asses
And so , in time , these drippy dick trails and those wet spots and such , had became known as scum deposits and such and that's how it is today , Franklin Police officers have be cum associated with the word , "Scum". by Steve
Once upon a time , Columbia Avenue was just a one lane street ( a cow's path actually ) , connecting Franklin Five Points with Columbia. Everyone going to Columbia , used this street because it was the only street going in that a way. In fact , Columbia Avenue is named after The Columbia Highway. Despite the fact , these two streets are one and the same , people today are still confused , as to what road goes where.
Back in those days , The City of Franklin really was a one horse town. People liked the police ( there was no need for the Citizens to have a Police Academy ) , H.G.Hills was "King" of ALL grocery stores and both , ( yes , both ) The Court House , including The Square , were friendly places to congregate and be seen. No one had heard of Tim Taylor , Kroger was some foreign word not found in the dictionary , Saturn was still a planet and no one had a use for a City Administrator , as the people were doing just fine on their own , Thank You very much
With time , ( because Franklin had nothing to offer it's young people ) H.G.Hills became the favorite place to hang on Saturday nights. Young people would cruise down town Franklin and " Scoop the Loop " around the square before parking it on the "Hills" parking lot and show off to everybody their catch. Being ass there were no problems outside of a few bare asses , Franklin Police really did have nothing to do. Everyone behaved while having fun and yelling at everyone driving by and this was the only place to hunt "Beaver" without a license
Well , wouldn't you jest know it. Franklin Police had some officers , who just couldn't keep it in their pants. ( and they were married too ) In time , several officers had caught themselves some Beaver with the "CLAP" and wouldn't you just know it ? ( Again ? Yes , again ) They finally learned that having had a Beaver with the CLAP in the morning , was nothing to clap about , after sharing it with "Momma"
Somehow , during all of that name calling , Franklin Police officers had cum to be known as "Scum" , by their wives and other loving family members and of course , by their own fellow police officers and friends and why , wood Woody need to ask you ask ? Because there were so many drippy dicks trailing in the police locker room , drippy dicks were trailing through the police bathroom , the police shower stalls , there were drips on the soap bars , in the sinks and oozing down the sinks , there was scum on the paper towel dispenser , scum deposits had stuck the toilet paper rolls together and there was scum even on the police toilet seats ( can you believe that ) and on their patrol cars seats and on and on and there were trailing scum wet spots seen dicking around the crotch of their pants. These officers would grunt and scratch and sniff themselves and then touch the equipment and grunt some more , leaving scum like "drippy dick fingerprint" trails everywhere. And let us not forget the tricky dicky (and yes) sticky wet scum carrying paperwork , they turned in , after doing their shifty work. Meanwhile , their drippy dicks and drippy tails had left wet spot trails everywhere else , including all of those other various wet spots belonging to their nooks and crannies , that were being left around the house at home. This problem became so problematic , that infected police officers couldn't go anywhere or even sit down anywhere , without leaving a freshly wet , "drippy dicking pecker trail" on something. Franklin Police officers couldn't go anywhere , without having scum strings dragging along behind them. It was like seeing spider webs coming out of their their asses
And so , in time , these drippy dick trails and those wet spots and such , had became known as scum deposits and such and that's how it is today , Franklin Police officers have be cum associated with the word , "Scum". by Steve
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Franklin Favorite Buzzword
Franklin , Tennessee - here in America , lawsuits have become "BIG" business. Legal Eagles make insanely insulting salaries from their ridiculous percentages. You know the word , "ridiculous". Yep , that's the word for it. Which by the way , just happens to be Detective Black's favorite buzz word. Anyone inside The Franklin Police Department knows Mr. Black. They know him very well and they also know he is a liar. Even Franklin Other Police know this fact.
Sooooo , let's think about another fact - what if all of the people who have been damaged by his lies , decided to get together and go after him. I've wondered how many people his lies have put behind bars. Because he is a law enforcement official , his word is always taken without dispute by those who run The Center For Downtown Justice. (well think about it. this must be true since no one will step forward and tell it like it is. I mean , not even the town's paper will talk about it or even mention other truthful things. And why not? Because of the damage it would do to this town and to Franklin Police)
And so it goes ass it gets said every so often. It's a fact , tell one lie and more lies must be told to cover the first one. This does explain the fact that Detective Black can only speak lies. I'm not afraid of saying these words because I've spoken the truth here. Ass does his co workers and his friends and Franklin Other Police also know.
Even the legal eagle who Mr. Black sent me to , told me how ridiculous Mr. Black's lies are. So think about this fact - with all of the people who know he's a liar , why is'nt something done? Or is this the real City of Franklin? Is this why Franklin needs all of these Greek columns? To help keep everything standing up while lies carries this town thru another day? Sooner or later , those columns will have nothing more than shifting sand underneath to support them upright and after The Center For Downtown Justice rests in a pile of ruinous rubble , perhaps then people will realize , this is what has been keeping Franklin going all of these past years.
Or is all of what I've said , too "ridiculous" for anyone/everyone to understand?
Sooooo , let's think about another fact - what if all of the people who have been damaged by his lies , decided to get together and go after him. I've wondered how many people his lies have put behind bars. Because he is a law enforcement official , his word is always taken without dispute by those who run The Center For Downtown Justice. (well think about it. this must be true since no one will step forward and tell it like it is. I mean , not even the town's paper will talk about it or even mention other truthful things. And why not? Because of the damage it would do to this town and to Franklin Police)
And so it goes ass it gets said every so often. It's a fact , tell one lie and more lies must be told to cover the first one. This does explain the fact that Detective Black can only speak lies. I'm not afraid of saying these words because I've spoken the truth here. Ass does his co workers and his friends and Franklin Other Police also know.
Even the legal eagle who Mr. Black sent me to , told me how ridiculous Mr. Black's lies are. So think about this fact - with all of the people who know he's a liar , why is'nt something done? Or is this the real City of Franklin? Is this why Franklin needs all of these Greek columns? To help keep everything standing up while lies carries this town thru another day? Sooner or later , those columns will have nothing more than shifting sand underneath to support them upright and after The Center For Downtown Justice rests in a pile of ruinous rubble , perhaps then people will realize , this is what has been keeping Franklin going all of these past years.
Or is all of what I've said , too "ridiculous" for anyone/everyone to understand?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Police Training
Franklin , Tennessee - Kat here , have you ever wondered what police call "training" these days? Let's go inside their class room and see for ourselves , police training in progress.
by Cathryn "Kat" Solurjeen
by Cathryn "Kat" Solurjeen
Monday, September 14, 2009
FPD Freebies
Franklin , Tennessee - BVD Bloggtographer was seen on the scene while The Franklin Police Special Tactical Ticketing For Traffic Enforcement Unit was on the clock , writing tickets for unlawful vehicle operations , inside The Franklin City limits and getting to see what "you" don't get2.
BVD was allowed special privileges to observe a specially designed , specialized radar unit being used by professionally trained professionals , from the side of a remotely used and seldom seen road.
Officer Goober : See these little red numbers? This tells us how fast a vehicle is traveling.
BVD : They sure are small and I'm having trouble reading them in this bright sunlight.
Goober : Yeah , butt , being professionals , we learn how to get past these little problems
BVD : Hmmm , 48 in a 45 speed zone. That's not very fast around here. Is this a ticket?
Goober : It sure is and I'm not going to be sorry about it either. You have some really good eyes there , BVD. Hey Bob (points at an old Ford truck) get 'em!
Bob : OK boss.
BVD : Oh wow , hey look at that would ya. 59 in a 45. I'll bet they are going to make your day
Goober : Hi George(watches a new BMW drive by and waves at the driver)
Goerge : (smiles at Officer Goober waving a beer can and drives on by)
BVD : (looks on dumbfounded) Don't they get a ticket?
Goober : Of course not silly. See these other cars? We can't possibly write everyone a ticket , now can we?
BVD : Butt , there's no one else around at the moment. What other cars are you talking about?
Goober : Don't worry , they'll be here , believe me , they'll be here. There's always more cars coming along. Always.
BVD : Oh WOOOOOW! Like , Holy Cow Batman , 71 in a 45 speed zone. You are right , they would be here. Would you look at that would ya! This guy has gotta be a crazy lunatic driving that fast around here!
Goober : Yeah (smiling) just look at him , would ya. (a sports car roars up and stops in a thick cloud of dust) Hi Bill
Bill : (jumping out of the car) Hi Baby , ready for lunch?
Goober : You bet cha(grinning more)
Bill : (slaps her butt and opens the car door) then get in Bitch(both are laughing)
BVD : (looks on , purplexed) Hey , ummmmm. Are'nt you going to write him a ticket?
Goober : Uh , noooo. Hmmm , why would I do that? (sitting in the car ass Bill smiles and guns the gas)
Bob : Hey , later dude (gets in his patrol car and leaves)
BVD : Yep , it's lunch time all right (talking to himself while standing alone on the side of the remote road. There's no other car to be seen)Hmmmm , and it's only 9 o'clock. Yeah. Lunch time. Riiiiiight!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Those Damn Tennessee Pooper Troopers
Everywhere and everyday in Tennessee and including today , because of continued political pressure , this great State of Tennessee continues with it's continued efforts in refusing to clean up it's Tennessee Highway Patrol Department. Every THP officer knows so and so , and "THAT" prevents them from being fired.
Here's an example of what I'm talking about : I had heard some rumors about a THP officer being such a person , who can not be fired. So , before writing this down , I went to his small town , just outside of The Choo Choo and had an interesting talk with the town 's judge , who just happens to be blood related to the Trooper in question. You see , this Trooper had made sexual advances on several women , during traffic stops , for their heinous crimes of running over a "Chicken Turd" , with their motorized vehicles. When the ladies refused his advances , he immediately wrote them all , a citation for excessive speeding on the interstate (which they were not on at the time).
Talking with the judge , he did confirm the complaints did indeed appear valid , BUTT , it didn't matter because he was the offending Trooper's uncle , the Trooper could not be fired and because he was also protected under the provisions of both , the Political Protection Act of 1811 for political cronies and political police officials in the State of Tennessee and the Tennessee Republican Party for Crony Protection and Representation Act , of 1931. I did ask him if Franklin Police also fell under this act and the judge said , " No. This act only applies to THP personnel and certain political figure heads. " He did mention , if there's a problem with any police officer in this state , the Chief of that police department had the power to deal with that offending individual.
So , there you have it boys and girls. The truth about THP and for desert , I got you an answer to the problems with Franklin Police officers. And "No" , I'm not giving you the judge's name since he gave me more material to write for you :)
Here's an example of what I'm talking about : I had heard some rumors about a THP officer being such a person , who can not be fired. So , before writing this down , I went to his small town , just outside of The Choo Choo and had an interesting talk with the town 's judge , who just happens to be blood related to the Trooper in question. You see , this Trooper had made sexual advances on several women , during traffic stops , for their heinous crimes of running over a "Chicken Turd" , with their motorized vehicles. When the ladies refused his advances , he immediately wrote them all , a citation for excessive speeding on the interstate (which they were not on at the time).
Talking with the judge , he did confirm the complaints did indeed appear valid , BUTT , it didn't matter because he was the offending Trooper's uncle , the Trooper could not be fired and because he was also protected under the provisions of both , the Political Protection Act of 1811 for political cronies and political police officials in the State of Tennessee and the Tennessee Republican Party for Crony Protection and Representation Act , of 1931. I did ask him if Franklin Police also fell under this act and the judge said , " No. This act only applies to THP personnel and certain political figure heads. " He did mention , if there's a problem with any police officer in this state , the Chief of that police department had the power to deal with that offending individual.
So , there you have it boys and girls. The truth about THP and for desert , I got you an answer to the problems with Franklin Police officers. And "No" , I'm not giving you the judge's name since he gave me more material to write for you :)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
How Safe Do You Feel in The City Of Franklin
Franklin , Tennessee - the newspaper once asked , " How safe do you feel ? " and that question continues arising every so often. With the help from a confidential source , I'm told , that 30% of all crime committed in Franklin , is perpetrated by the Police. Meaning , if you are the victim of a crime in The City of Franklin , your chances are 1 in 3 , the perp is associated with Franklin Police.
Look it here , the Franklin Police officer taking the report on this act of vandalism stated he knows the person who did this. (would you believe he was on scene within 1 minute of calling dispatch and the homeowner was still on the phone with dispatch)
Franklin Police Detective Black , is doing the investigation and he personally knows the person who did this. No arrests will be made on this incident and/or other acts , made by this same person because he happens to be connected with Franklin Police.
The simple truth of the matter is this : Franklin Police do not arrest their own kind. It's just "ONE" of the many perks , Franklin Police enjoy , while being a Franklin Police officer/perp.
Think about it - Franklin Police are above the law and laughing about it.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The Franklin Police History Book #2
The City of Franklin , Tennessee - here's another ( sadly ) true story from The Franklin Police (FOP) history book - There was a Franklin Police Officer who enjoyed beating his girl friend. His really big thrill was giving her black eyes. When her eyes healed , he would do it again.
One day , his girl friend actually had a friend , who cared enough about her , to stand up to this guy. Upon doing so , he proceeded to beat the crap out of her and gave her two black eyes in the process. Then he proceeded to give his girl friend two more black eyes ( again ) and paraded them both , handcuffed to each other and skimpily clad and showed them around to his friends.
On several different occasions , this same Franklin Police officer would give his girl friend a black eye and parade her around to practically anyone and everyone , including his co workers in the Franklin Police Department.
Franklin Police did nothing about this relationship because the girl friend would not place charges.
To give you a hint to the officer's identity , his brother is also a Franklin Police Officer
One day , his girl friend actually had a friend , who cared enough about her , to stand up to this guy. Upon doing so , he proceeded to beat the crap out of her and gave her two black eyes in the process. Then he proceeded to give his girl friend two more black eyes ( again ) and paraded them both , handcuffed to each other and skimpily clad and showed them around to his friends.
On several different occasions , this same Franklin Police officer would give his girl friend a black eye and parade her around to practically anyone and everyone , including his co workers in the Franklin Police Department.
Franklin Police did nothing about this relationship because the girl friend would not place charges.
To give you a hint to the officer's identity , his brother is also a Franklin Police Officer
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Dishonesty Among Liars
Franklin , Tennessee - everyone reading the morning paper has surly seen this by now. Is'nt it interesting we don't hear anything good about Franklin Police in the paper? I mean , the last story in the paper was a contrived line about a dog that was'nt something police do anyway and that story was over 2 years ago and that story (of all places) was in The Review Appeal. Why have'nt we heard from Franklin Police in the real paper? Why? Then there were those baseball cards that no had seen , butt , they were mentioned in the The Reviewed and Appealing paper.
Mean while , let's move on. The real paper did tell recently , how a couple got 2 years probation and other associated punishment and charges for making a false complaint against a Franklin Police officer. The Police Chief was very adamant about comparing their dishonesty to his department's integrity. O Kay , not a problem. (BUTT) Is'nt it interesting the Chief has'nt come after me for the remarks I've made here for the whole world to see? Is'nt it interesting , I've been left alone to continue ratting out "HIS" Franklin Police Department , aka those FOP members.
( Note: I wonder where that couple got the idea of making false statements? )
Yep. You wanna know why (if not then stop reading) ? It's because I've been honest in telling the truth. Think about this fact - the people hiding behind those over sized Greek columns at The Downtown Cinema Center for Justice in Franklin (aka the Greek Crapper) , even know , that Detective Black is a liar. The lawyers , the judges and yep , even the DA knows he's the proverbial , can't "stop a cop of a liar". And it gets better ! He kindly had me put in a position to see a shrink (after harassing me and stealing my stuff) and guess what? That's right boys and girls. This shrink also states , Mr. Black is indeed , a liar. Yep , he told me so. How many witnesses are needed here to understand , there's a real problem within Franklin Police? I mean like , I'm the "ONE" who needs to see a shrink? Really? What's wrong with this picture? No one has stepped up to accuse me of lying. No one! Nadda. Zippo-Dude! That's right , no one , aka - not a soul , not one single soul. Does this tell you anything? Anything at all?
( Note : Shrinks have technical/medical words to describe people/liars , like Mr. Black )
And what is it about liars? For some strange reason , liars are also thieves. This would explain several thousand dollars of theft , vandalism and the harassment around here , would it not? After all , Mr. Black is the investigating detective around here and he does know who did the deeds and he is making Damn sure no arrests are made. Hmmmm. Yeeeaaaahhhh , makes ya wonder what's wrong with this picture , don't it? Do I need to draw you one in color?
The bottom line is simply this - things are like this in The City of Franklin because: This is what we have for law enforcement and this is what we have for a system enforcing the law and this is what we have for a court system and this is what we have to show everyone , after spending all that extra money on hollowed out Greek columns instead of something better. Yes , this is what we have , to show off our money.
Remember folks , only friends within Franklin Police are legally authorized to burgle a residence
Meanwhile , makes ya feel good about this town , don' it? Or would you rather I paint you a bigger picture using 3-D columns?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Police Work 101 pt.3
Franklin , Tennessee - have you ever noticed the computers a police officer has access to ? There are various and many , available to them for fighting crime (an honest officer would never use these for something/someone else)
Have you ever had a police officer tell you , "They were not very good with computers" ? If so , that officer just lied to you. The police are very good at making reverse remarks to keep you off balance , in hopes of preventing you from learning what they know and/or can do.
Have you ever had a police officer tell you , "They were not very good with computers" ? If so , that officer just lied to you. The police are very good at making reverse remarks to keep you off balance , in hopes of preventing you from learning what they know and/or can do.
Monday, August 31, 2009
What Is A FOP ?
Franklin , Tennessee - what in the Hell is a FOP anyway? Does it stand for Franklin Official Police? How about Franklin Other Police? Hmmm , how about Franklin Orifice Police? Perhaps JJ considers it to be Franklin Other Pussy. Well , why not? After all , he does use it for Fucking Other People , he doesn't like. Naw , I'll bet JJ thinks it means , Franklin Other Penis. I guess it could go either way , depending on the sex of the person being harassed. Yeah , either way , it doesn't matter , the FOP illegal activities are still legal under Franklin present legal system , hiding behind those over priced Greek columns.
I don't know why they bothered to call me for money , I really don't. This guy tells me the police are out there everyday , risking their lives to keep me safe. Well , if that's true , where were they while the law was being broken around here? Where were they while my under age daughter was being stalked by a Franklin Police officer? Where was the FOP while private property was being vandalized? Where was the FOP , during a burglary? I don't know , butt , I do know that none of them were harmed while risking their lives , breaking the law around here.
The truth here is very simple , they were the ones involved in burglary and vandalism and they were the ones doing the stalking. That's why they couldn't step in and do the right thing. You see , Franklin Police do not arrest their own. That's because they are above the law. If the FOP stepped in and arrested those evil doers , they would betray their own kind and that folks , just aint gonna happen.
I don't know why they bothered to call me for money , I really don't. This guy tells me the police are out there everyday , risking their lives to keep me safe. Well , if that's true , where were they while the law was being broken around here? Where were they while my under age daughter was being stalked by a Franklin Police officer? Where was the FOP while private property was being vandalized? Where was the FOP , during a burglary? I don't know , butt , I do know that none of them were harmed while risking their lives , breaking the law around here.
The truth here is very simple , they were the ones involved in burglary and vandalism and they were the ones doing the stalking. That's why they couldn't step in and do the right thing. You see , Franklin Police do not arrest their own. That's because they are above the law. If the FOP stepped in and arrested those evil doers , they would betray their own kind and that folks , just aint gonna happen.
Friday, August 28, 2009
FOP Calling
Franklin , Tennessee - I can't believe the FOP called , begging me for money. Of course I said , " No and thank you for calling ".
Well , O Kay , yeah , right , sure I can believe it now. And , welllll Hellll , why not , right ? After all , Franklin Police have burgled and vandalized so much property around here , it just doesn't makes sen$e , while they are at it , to not a$k for money , right ? I mean , it's rather obvious that doing any crime can be a dangerous profession and they need all the money they can get , right ? RIIIIIGHT ! I mean , having a dangerous career like law breaking enforcement can be expensive. I mean , like , well , let's just think about it for a minute. O Kay? What "IF" , they got hurt or even killedead , while breaking our laws or harassing people? Who's going to care for those widowed wives and mistresses? Hm? Who is going to look after those Bastard children now? Hmmmm , sounds like the perfect job for the FOP to me
Sooooo , let's see here. What kind of expenses are we looking at , to break the law:
You gotta buy gloves to prevent leaving misplaced fingerprints and also to protect your hands from cuts while smashing the front door glass
You need dark clothing for operating at night
You gotta have a gun , (just in case)
You gotta have extra coffee to stay awake all night while waiting for the right moment to break the law (and coffee aint cheap these days)
And that's just the short list of it all. Do you see now , how expensive it can be , ass a police officer in Lawlessness Enforcement? And that's just for working over time , after working normal hours.
During normal shift hours , a police officer's regular duties may include , butt are not limited to:
Giving people traffic citations , who are not their personal friends
Arresting people for DUI , who are not their friends
Arresting people for vandalizing chicken turds because it's against the law
Abusing prisoners while wearing handcuffs because it's fun
Ignoring a person's medical needs because they are not being paid to care
Lying on MVA reports to get their personal friends more insurance money
Lying to court officials because it's their job
Vandalizing private property because it's fun
And that's just another short list of their many job responsibilities. Ass you can see , Franklin Police officers wear many , many hats besides their own
I had earlier received a BSS in Policing Criminology in the Work Place and Education from Franklin Police very own , Tim Taylor and Commander Barnes , butt , several years later , Detective Black awarded me the Phd. in Policing Criminology Activities and thus , I now have the equivalent of a Lawlessness Activities Behind the Badge in Criminology Series & Studies in Failures of Honesty because of Futility in Policing Lawlessness Enforcement dual major (Thank you Mr. Black). With all of the stuff stolen around here , it makes me wonder if this guy is sharing the wealth with his fellow officers or is he just running an Ebay store? I don't know , surly he aint throwing it all away for the Hell of it being evidence. And let's not forget the electronic harassment. (yes it does harm a 2 year old and Franklin Police are still laughing that one off) Oh yeah , let's not over look the phone taps and the cameras. You know , there's no criminal activity around here. If there was , arrests would have been made. And none were made. Butt then , the police already knew that before they started their fun and games here
Note: I will take this moment to give a word of thanks , to our FOP members , who risked their lives during those moments of enjoyed fulfillment , stealing and vandalizing property , that was not their own. They did a wonderful job and I think they deserve a really nice pay raise and at least , a medal or two , to hang on their chest , to show for bravery and their disconcernment towards their own life , while in pursuit of their own personal happiness. Thanks guys , each and everyone one of you. Again , Thank You
Well , O Kay , yeah , right , sure I can believe it now. And , welllll Hellll , why not , right ? After all , Franklin Police have burgled and vandalized so much property around here , it just doesn't makes sen$e , while they are at it , to not a$k for money , right ? I mean , it's rather obvious that doing any crime can be a dangerous profession and they need all the money they can get , right ? RIIIIIGHT ! I mean , having a dangerous career like law breaking enforcement can be expensive. I mean , like , well , let's just think about it for a minute. O Kay? What "IF" , they got hurt or even killedead , while breaking our laws or harassing people? Who's going to care for those widowed wives and mistresses? Hm? Who is going to look after those Bastard children now? Hmmmm , sounds like the perfect job for the FOP to me
Sooooo , let's see here. What kind of expenses are we looking at , to break the law:
You gotta buy gloves to prevent leaving misplaced fingerprints and also to protect your hands from cuts while smashing the front door glass
You need dark clothing for operating at night
You gotta have a gun , (just in case)
You gotta have extra coffee to stay awake all night while waiting for the right moment to break the law (and coffee aint cheap these days)
And that's just the short list of it all. Do you see now , how expensive it can be , ass a police officer in Lawlessness Enforcement? And that's just for working over time , after working normal hours.
During normal shift hours , a police officer's regular duties may include , butt are not limited to:
Giving people traffic citations , who are not their personal friends
Arresting people for DUI , who are not their friends
Arresting people for vandalizing chicken turds because it's against the law
Abusing prisoners while wearing handcuffs because it's fun
Ignoring a person's medical needs because they are not being paid to care
Lying on MVA reports to get their personal friends more insurance money
Lying to court officials because it's their job
Vandalizing private property because it's fun
And that's just another short list of their many job responsibilities. Ass you can see , Franklin Police officers wear many , many hats besides their own
I had earlier received a BSS in Policing Criminology in the Work Place and Education from Franklin Police very own , Tim Taylor and Commander Barnes , butt , several years later , Detective Black awarded me the Phd. in Policing Criminology Activities and thus , I now have the equivalent of a Lawlessness Activities Behind the Badge in Criminology Series & Studies in Failures of Honesty because of Futility in Policing Lawlessness Enforcement dual major (Thank you Mr. Black). With all of the stuff stolen around here , it makes me wonder if this guy is sharing the wealth with his fellow officers or is he just running an Ebay store? I don't know , surly he aint throwing it all away for the Hell of it being evidence. And let's not forget the electronic harassment. (yes it does harm a 2 year old and Franklin Police are still laughing that one off) Oh yeah , let's not over look the phone taps and the cameras. You know , there's no criminal activity around here. If there was , arrests would have been made. And none were made. Butt then , the police already knew that before they started their fun and games here
Note: I will take this moment to give a word of thanks , to our FOP members , who risked their lives during those moments of enjoyed fulfillment , stealing and vandalizing property , that was not their own. They did a wonderful job and I think they deserve a really nice pay raise and at least , a medal or two , to hang on their chest , to show for bravery and their disconcernment towards their own life , while in pursuit of their own personal happiness. Thanks guys , each and everyone one of you. Again , Thank You
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Those Anomalous Anons
Franklin , Tennessee - don't you just luv those people with no names? Is that like people who have cunts , butt can't cunt? Yeah , those ole brave souls who are so brave without giving out their names. Yep , I'm impressed.
Take me for example. I don't hide my identity. I'm not afraid to say what's on my mind and I put my name with my words , BUTT , those little people with those little dicks. Such bravery. I'm soooo impressed , and I'm not easy to impress.
Take me for example. I don't hide my identity. I'm not afraid to say what's on my mind and I put my name with my words , BUTT , those little people with those little dicks. Such bravery. I'm soooo impressed , and I'm not easy to impress.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Police Work 101 pt.2
Franklin , Tennessee - Franklin Police have all kinds of toys in their playpen. Thanks to the military , they have night vision for the sniper. Did you know , this has the capability to tell if a person is dead ? Yep , they know if the heart is ticking or not , from a distance.
Pretty cool , eh ?
Did you know , they can use this to watch people Fucking in the park in the dark ? I'll bet you did'nt know the police were voyeurs. Does'nt matter how dark the eyes see , the night vision gear sees through it and from a distance. Did you know this stuff can see thru walls? Anyway , in the past , a light source was needed to make night vision devices work. Today's technology does'nt need any kind of light source to see in the dark , not even starlight.
Pretty cool , eh ?
Did you know , they can use this to watch people Fucking in the park in the dark ? I'll bet you did'nt know the police were voyeurs. Does'nt matter how dark the eyes see , the night vision gear sees through it and from a distance. Did you know this stuff can see thru walls? Anyway , in the past , a light source was needed to make night vision devices work. Today's technology does'nt need any kind of light source to see in the dark , not even starlight.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Training Happens
Franklin , Tennessee - Ajax here : THE TENNESSEAN reported several weeks ago , a Franklin Police officer was wounded in a training accident , while using FFaK-PretendZs bullets (registered , pat.pending). These plastic bullets are exclusively made for law enforcement agencies for use in toy guns used expressively for training purposes and therefore cannot possibly hurt anyone. There are cameras at the area of training and all of the tapes have been confiscated and yet , somehow , a tape managed to get out of hand , allowing us to see for ourselves , the exact events leading up to the officer being wounded in the line of duty while using plastic bullets in toy guns.
Note: In addition , these bullets are currently issued to newly hired police officers. In the event , should they get overly excited at the sight of something or other like great tits , they can't hurt anybody if their gun accidentally goes off
Note: In addition , these bullets are currently issued to newly hired police officers. In the event , should they get overly excited at the sight of something or other like great tits , they can't hurt anybody if their gun accidentally goes off
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Where Is Franklin Police ?
Franklin , Tennessee - someone who can't read , sent me an angry email about a post they did not like here. They are from another Franklin Police Department in a whole other state , located inside a whole other country. The very first posting in this blog states , this is only about the police department located in Franklin , Tennessee and has nothing to do with other police departments claiming to be Franklin Police. So , I went to to find out , just how many Franklin Police Departments are there and here's the list I was given :
The City of Franklin , Indiana
The City of Franklin , Louisiana
The City of Franklin , Pennsylvania
The City of Franklin , Georgia
The City of Franklin , Indiana
The City of Franklin , Tennessee
The City of New Franklin , Ohio
The Town of Franklin , Massachusetts
The Town of Franklin , North Carolina
The Town of Franklin , Arizona
The Town of Franklin , Wisconsin
The Town of Franklin , New Hampshire
The Town of Franklin , Idaho
The Town of Franklin , Kentucky - the only Franklin Police Department promoting , "To serve and protect"
The Township of Franklin , New Jersey
The Township of Franklin , Virginia
So , ass seen here , Franklin Police , are just about almost everywhere , East of the Mississippi River and I would not be surprised , if this was an incomplete list of Franklin Police Departments. Butt , it's a start :)
The City of Franklin , Indiana
The City of Franklin , Louisiana
The City of Franklin , Pennsylvania
The City of Franklin , Georgia
The City of Franklin , Indiana
The City of Franklin , Tennessee
The City of New Franklin , Ohio
The Town of Franklin , Massachusetts
The Town of Franklin , North Carolina
The Town of Franklin , Arizona
The Town of Franklin , Wisconsin
The Town of Franklin , New Hampshire
The Town of Franklin , Idaho
The Town of Franklin , Kentucky - the only Franklin Police Department promoting , "To serve and protect"
The Township of Franklin , New Jersey
The Township of Franklin , Virginia
So , ass seen here , Franklin Police , are just about almost everywhere , East of the Mississippi River and I would not be surprised , if this was an incomplete list of Franklin Police Departments. Butt , it's a start :)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Getting Your Way In The World
Franklin , Tennessee - Ajax here - when you see something you like and you decide you want it , would'nt you like the idea of just taking it , without paying ? Sure you would. That's why the wealthy pay tribute to law enforcement entities all the time , to be above the law. This keeps them out of jail , every time they break the law.
Whether this is done under the table , over the table , an extension covered by a business deal , through the FOP , donations to a political war chest or even through the Citizen's Academy , it makes no difference. A payment is a payment.
Let's see how this works , for example: your neighbor has some really nice antiques and you want them. The first step will be making friends with the police in your area and once contacts are made and money passes hands , you go burgle their antiques. The law has a pretty good idea who done it , butt , they will take their investigation else where , to keep your ass out of jail. Sometimes , it is amazing how far a dollar really can go , while watching the police pretending to investigate what they already know
On the other hand , let's say , you don't like your neighbor and you want to have some fun. Again , you make contact and payments and then you go have all the fun you want. This includes burglary , vandalism and electronic harassment.
Note #1: Keep in mind , the police can help you with all of your electronic equipment needs , for your fun time activities of harassing someone (don't worry about a thing. The police are not accountable for their actions , which puts you under their safety umbrella).
Note #2: I'm not referring to "chips" in this post. That will be for another day
I want to take this moment to say , "Thank You" , to Detective Beard of The Williamson County Sheriffs Department and to Detective Black of The Franklin Police Department , for this information.
by Ajax Stone
Whether this is done under the table , over the table , an extension covered by a business deal , through the FOP , donations to a political war chest or even through the Citizen's Academy , it makes no difference. A payment is a payment.
Let's see how this works , for example: your neighbor has some really nice antiques and you want them. The first step will be making friends with the police in your area and once contacts are made and money passes hands , you go burgle their antiques. The law has a pretty good idea who done it , butt , they will take their investigation else where , to keep your ass out of jail. Sometimes , it is amazing how far a dollar really can go , while watching the police pretending to investigate what they already know
On the other hand , let's say , you don't like your neighbor and you want to have some fun. Again , you make contact and payments and then you go have all the fun you want. This includes burglary , vandalism and electronic harassment.
Note #1: Keep in mind , the police can help you with all of your electronic equipment needs , for your fun time activities of harassing someone (don't worry about a thing. The police are not accountable for their actions , which puts you under their safety umbrella).
Note #2: I'm not referring to "chips" in this post. That will be for another day
I want to take this moment to say , "Thank You" , to Detective Beard of The Williamson County Sheriffs Department and to Detective Black of The Franklin Police Department , for this information.
by Ajax Stone
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Police Work 101 pt.1
Franklin , Tennessee - one of the tools Franklin Police have , is their ability to Fuck with some one's computer. While online , they can target your puter for all kinds of FunAditWare. I'll bet most people did'nt know that. This is the very activity The Pentagon copes with everyday , for example say , from hackers in Africa and China.
From a remote setting , the police can watch a perp's internet activity and/or they can interact with your computer. It all depends on their mission and/or their intentions. A mission example would be watching "The Bad Guys" ass they break the law. An example of their intentions would be to harass a person because someone with Jay Johnson's mentality say's to do so.
Now then , reflect for a moment. With all of the computer threats coming at you , from around the world and now I've told you about Franklin Police , how safe do you feel , being in Franklin and on the internet @ same time ?
Did you read Saturdays paper concerning The City of Franklin , paying out 2 Million dollars ? That guy had his computer targeted by Franklin Police , under orders from Jay Johnson. You know , the City Administrator that was abruptly fired ? You know , the "2 Million Dollar Man" that was being harassed by Franklin Police because that same JJ told them too?
Yeah , good ole Franklin Police. Where would Franklin be today , without them
From a remote setting , the police can watch a perp's internet activity and/or they can interact with your computer. It all depends on their mission and/or their intentions. A mission example would be watching "The Bad Guys" ass they break the law. An example of their intentions would be to harass a person because someone with Jay Johnson's mentality say's to do so.
Now then , reflect for a moment. With all of the computer threats coming at you , from around the world and now I've told you about Franklin Police , how safe do you feel , being in Franklin and on the internet @ same time ?
Did you read Saturdays paper concerning The City of Franklin , paying out 2 Million dollars ? That guy had his computer targeted by Franklin Police , under orders from Jay Johnson. You know , the City Administrator that was abruptly fired ? You know , the "2 Million Dollar Man" that was being harassed by Franklin Police because that same JJ told them too?
Yeah , good ole Franklin Police. Where would Franklin be today , without them
Monday, August 17, 2009
Those Lawless Gun Permits
Franklin , Tennessee - The Tennessean wrote this article about criminals having gun permits. I don't see anything wrong with this. After all , us Tennesseans do have a right to protect ourselves. And THE CONSTITUTION says nothing about permits anyway.
Butt , here is the dysfunctional side of our reality today - Franklin Police have guns on their person. They even have machine guns in their cars. Franklin Police burgle people's homes , tap their phones and stalk under age pussy while masturbating in the public's eye. I wonder how many Franklin Police officers can not pass a drug test. And then add to the fact , they deliberately lie in court , under oath.
The hard core truth here is the sad fact , a Franklin Police officer will not arrest one of their own for breaking the law , while people like Mr. Fletcher , do not have any such agreements with any police officer. Another dysfunctional example are those people , who do have such agreements with the law can steal private property with full knowledge of the police and carry guns all day long without a permit. You see , they don't need one since they have an honorary police badge , that keeps them out of trouble , should someone accidentally ask. These people can even take a gun on board a plane , legally. You see , the law is in control of our law and they are doing ass they Damn well please with it.
It's interesting , how "US" Americans live in a free society and our newspaper can't give US the whole story. What are they afraid of?
Friday, August 14, 2009
The Franklin Police History Book #1
The City of Franklin , Tennessee - once upon a time , ( you know a story is true , when it starts with once upon a time ) Royal Oak Apartments was the best place to live in Franklin. Good neighbors , good maintenance , good price and good location. I know , because I once lived there.
After living there a while , the Shit started. Cars were being vandalized , windows were being smashed , stuff was being stolen. Where were the police ? Meanwhile , cars were being stolen. Two boys rape a girl and a 14 year old tries to rape my 8 year old daughter. That same 14 year old had earlier tossed a 5 year old boy , breaking his collar bone , while in the process of stealing his Game Boy. Where was Franklin Police ? Hmmmm. . . . meanwhile , people are talking about strange things happening at one apartment.
Well , wouldn't you know it , one fine day while I was at work , someone had been in my apartment. Everything had been tampered with , AND , items are missing. Butt , WAIT , other people are saying the same thing has happened in their apartment too.
Now look , most everyone knew about the small time drug trade going across the hill , Hell , even alcohol was being made ( some of it was pretty good stuff ) and no one complained about it. ( even Franklin Police officers were seen having a snort or 2 outside in the parking lot and in uniform ) You know , live and let live , no one bothered anyone. That's the way things were , when I first moved in there. Soooo , what's going on ?
Meanwhile , a single black woman , living alone , ( she had no family ) , had become friends with my daughter. They would talk over ideas about her jewelry craft and this woman even bought some of my daughter's creations. One day , my daughter went to visit her , when she suddenly came back saying something was wrong. So , I accompanied my daughter , back to the woman's apartment , to see what was going on. She was not answering her door. I picked up my daughter so her face could easily be seen through the door peep viewer. Upon recognizing us , the black woman then opened her door. Her eyes were BIG ass silver dollars as her body shook uncontrollably. She told us someone had been in her apartment and stole her family heirlooms. Nervously she continued , stating she had observed a man , going into people's apartments , while they were away. She pointed at the mysterious apartment , the man came from , ( the same one everyone had been talking about ) , she said , " Franklin Police are staying in there. " That's right people , Franklin Police was conducting a surveillance here and I have no reason to think this woman was a liar.
That was the last time I saw her. She had moved out by the weekend.
Think about it - while honest people are away at work , earning an honest living , Franklin Police are in their homes , stealing their stuff
After living there a while , the Shit started. Cars were being vandalized , windows were being smashed , stuff was being stolen. Where were the police ? Meanwhile , cars were being stolen. Two boys rape a girl and a 14 year old tries to rape my 8 year old daughter. That same 14 year old had earlier tossed a 5 year old boy , breaking his collar bone , while in the process of stealing his Game Boy. Where was Franklin Police ? Hmmmm. . . . meanwhile , people are talking about strange things happening at one apartment.
Well , wouldn't you know it , one fine day while I was at work , someone had been in my apartment. Everything had been tampered with , AND , items are missing. Butt , WAIT , other people are saying the same thing has happened in their apartment too.
Now look , most everyone knew about the small time drug trade going across the hill , Hell , even alcohol was being made ( some of it was pretty good stuff ) and no one complained about it. ( even Franklin Police officers were seen having a snort or 2 outside in the parking lot and in uniform ) You know , live and let live , no one bothered anyone. That's the way things were , when I first moved in there. Soooo , what's going on ?
Meanwhile , a single black woman , living alone , ( she had no family ) , had become friends with my daughter. They would talk over ideas about her jewelry craft and this woman even bought some of my daughter's creations. One day , my daughter went to visit her , when she suddenly came back saying something was wrong. So , I accompanied my daughter , back to the woman's apartment , to see what was going on. She was not answering her door. I picked up my daughter so her face could easily be seen through the door peep viewer. Upon recognizing us , the black woman then opened her door. Her eyes were BIG ass silver dollars as her body shook uncontrollably. She told us someone had been in her apartment and stole her family heirlooms. Nervously she continued , stating she had observed a man , going into people's apartments , while they were away. She pointed at the mysterious apartment , the man came from , ( the same one everyone had been talking about ) , she said , " Franklin Police are staying in there. " That's right people , Franklin Police was conducting a surveillance here and I have no reason to think this woman was a liar.
That was the last time I saw her. She had moved out by the weekend.
Think about it - while honest people are away at work , earning an honest living , Franklin Police are in their homes , stealing their stuff
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Here Comes Da Judge
Franklin , Tennessee - Ajax here to tell you a little bed time story : Once upon a time , there was a judge. He was the biggest , the baddest , the baldest and the onliest "Judge" of his kind in that town. No one had the nerve to speak up to him , regardless of how wrong the situation was or the lies being told.
This judge had more of everything than anything else. He had gun collections , stamp collections , doll collections , toy collections , he even had porno collections. I mean to tell you , this guy even had land collections and even house collections. The owners couldn't pay and the judge always had extra money lying around , so what more can I say ? Anyway , anything he wanted was granted. And if it was illegal , that was fine with him because the law would always look away. Everywhere he went , the town's people immediately bowed their heads to him , prostating themselves to him with all kinds of greetings and respects.
Check this out - he went to every major Civil War battlefield to hunt for relics , to add to his library. No one said " No" to him. Not even the battlefield rangers. This guy cataloged his stuff and added it to his Civil War library. His library was impressive. Books and books of 100 year old books and yes , even more and more of everything that a library should have. And that's just ONE of his libraries. Amazing !
Guns ? This guy had a palm gun collection that no one could rival. He also had a pepper box collection , with a 22 round , one of a kind specimen , being his favorite.
Every so often , he would donate money (a pittance really) to the police department and the newspaper would use up their entire front page for oversize pictures and telling of his generosity to the city. Meanwhile , on his desk , was a fancy wooden box , filled with 100 dollar bills , he used for lighting his cigars. He would arrogantly lite these cigars in front of people asking him for contributions and donations to good causes and he always declined their asking , explaining how strapped he was. Meanwhile , there was no mercy in his court room. He did not care one way or the other. His mentality was , you are in "MY" courtroom and that fact alone says you are guilty. After all , it was just him and him alone , what are you gonna do ? The police always kept him busy with business and they were always seeing things his way. Meanwhile time moved on and it would be time again to give to his favorite police department and time once again for the newspaper to get busy writing.
Finally , his time on earth was up and it was his turn to pass away into history. The newspaper gave him a small paragraph telling of his death while most of the town somehow overlooked his funeral. I guess everyone remembered how he was. Soon , most everything he had , somehow disappeared a little bit here and a bit more there. When something was missing , the police would be called in to investigate. Not once , were they able to find the missing item(s) or even the person who took it.
You see , the real reason this judge made a public spectacle of giving the police money , was because he was actually paying them off , so ass they would not steal from him. He alone , knew more than anyone else in town , that the police were the biggest bunch of thieves and liars anywhere around. That's why the newspaper would write what they did on their front pages , so everyone would know , he had paid them for protection. Most folks did not understand this , because they did not have anything the police wanted and so the police did'nt have a reason to steal from them. So , how could the people have known unless they were told ? And they still did'nt get it.
Now do you see why the wealthy around here give to the FOP ? Regularly ? The wealthy are constantly concerned about someone stealing something of theirs and they do know what the police are capable of doing. Get it ?
I'll give you one guess what town this is. And I'll bet you will be surprised at the answer. I'll give you a clue and it's not Franklin.
This judge had more of everything than anything else. He had gun collections , stamp collections , doll collections , toy collections , he even had porno collections. I mean to tell you , this guy even had land collections and even house collections. The owners couldn't pay and the judge always had extra money lying around , so what more can I say ? Anyway , anything he wanted was granted. And if it was illegal , that was fine with him because the law would always look away. Everywhere he went , the town's people immediately bowed their heads to him , prostating themselves to him with all kinds of greetings and respects.
Check this out - he went to every major Civil War battlefield to hunt for relics , to add to his library. No one said " No" to him. Not even the battlefield rangers. This guy cataloged his stuff and added it to his Civil War library. His library was impressive. Books and books of 100 year old books and yes , even more and more of everything that a library should have. And that's just ONE of his libraries. Amazing !
Guns ? This guy had a palm gun collection that no one could rival. He also had a pepper box collection , with a 22 round , one of a kind specimen , being his favorite.
Every so often , he would donate money (a pittance really) to the police department and the newspaper would use up their entire front page for oversize pictures and telling of his generosity to the city. Meanwhile , on his desk , was a fancy wooden box , filled with 100 dollar bills , he used for lighting his cigars. He would arrogantly lite these cigars in front of people asking him for contributions and donations to good causes and he always declined their asking , explaining how strapped he was. Meanwhile , there was no mercy in his court room. He did not care one way or the other. His mentality was , you are in "MY" courtroom and that fact alone says you are guilty. After all , it was just him and him alone , what are you gonna do ? The police always kept him busy with business and they were always seeing things his way. Meanwhile time moved on and it would be time again to give to his favorite police department and time once again for the newspaper to get busy writing.
Finally , his time on earth was up and it was his turn to pass away into history. The newspaper gave him a small paragraph telling of his death while most of the town somehow overlooked his funeral. I guess everyone remembered how he was. Soon , most everything he had , somehow disappeared a little bit here and a bit more there. When something was missing , the police would be called in to investigate. Not once , were they able to find the missing item(s) or even the person who took it.
You see , the real reason this judge made a public spectacle of giving the police money , was because he was actually paying them off , so ass they would not steal from him. He alone , knew more than anyone else in town , that the police were the biggest bunch of thieves and liars anywhere around. That's why the newspaper would write what they did on their front pages , so everyone would know , he had paid them for protection. Most folks did not understand this , because they did not have anything the police wanted and so the police did'nt have a reason to steal from them. So , how could the people have known unless they were told ? And they still did'nt get it.
Now do you see why the wealthy around here give to the FOP ? Regularly ? The wealthy are constantly concerned about someone stealing something of theirs and they do know what the police are capable of doing. Get it ?
I'll give you one guess what town this is. And I'll bet you will be surprised at the answer. I'll give you a clue and it's not Franklin.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Franklin Police Courtesy Maneuver
Franklin , Tennessee - Doug here saying Thanks to Jerry for letting him be here. Do you like to drink and drive ? Are you worried about getting caught and arrested ?
Well , worry no more. Now that the news is out and about and in the open , yes , Franklin Police , are giving " Courtesies " , to some of those suspected of being drunk while under the influence.
Yep , you read correctly. Franklin , Tennessee is THE PLACE to drink and drive while having no worries about getting caught and arrested. Let's have a word with Doug.
Jerry : Hey Doug , what in the hell are you talking about ?
Doug : Franklin Police gave a courtesy to a guy , who did 4,700 $ damage to a vehicle , not his own , while drinking and taking anesthesia drugs. He was so drunk , his breath was a fire hazard.
Jerry : This is a put on , right ?
Doug : Nope , when asked why this guy was not arrested , the Franklin Police Commander in charge of DUI courtesies stated " There were no charges brought ass a courtesy ."
Jerry : OK , Doug , what does this mean ?
Doug : Simple. Laws in this country are made for everyone , not just for someone. Franklin is still a part of the United States. Armed with this information , anyone going to court on DUI charges needs to tell the judge they respectfully request a courtesy and that all charges be dropped including any fees. A lawyer is not required. The procedure is that simple. Should the judge ask for verification , have them call the Commander in charge of DUI courtesies and if not available , ask for Sgt. Warner , he can take care of anything or problem.
Franklin Police , 373 - 1295 or 794 - 2513
Hey , why should YOU have to pay for drunkenness , when others don't have too , eh ?
You tell the law you have the right to be given a courtesy , just like the next drunken person. That's fair and equal treatment. Wouldn't you agree ?
Can you imagine what all the DUI defense attorneys will do when they learn of this ? Their bread and butter will be no more.
Can you imagine all the money you'll save ? Not to mention your driver license.
Note : WAM or The Williamson County Review Appeal @ 794-2555 can not report this.
Another note : Tim Taylor , former Night Shift Supervisor , is no longer available for comment , having been fired and thus promoted to unemployed.
Note : Yes , it's true. Some of the names have been changed here to protect the guilty and the unforgiven. And yes , I still have those emails :)
Well , worry no more. Now that the news is out and about and in the open , yes , Franklin Police , are giving " Courtesies " , to some of those suspected of being drunk while under the influence.
Yep , you read correctly. Franklin , Tennessee is THE PLACE to drink and drive while having no worries about getting caught and arrested. Let's have a word with Doug.
Jerry : Hey Doug , what in the hell are you talking about ?
Doug : Franklin Police gave a courtesy to a guy , who did 4,700 $ damage to a vehicle , not his own , while drinking and taking anesthesia drugs. He was so drunk , his breath was a fire hazard.
Jerry : This is a put on , right ?
Doug : Nope , when asked why this guy was not arrested , the Franklin Police Commander in charge of DUI courtesies stated " There were no charges brought ass a courtesy ."
Jerry : OK , Doug , what does this mean ?
Doug : Simple. Laws in this country are made for everyone , not just for someone. Franklin is still a part of the United States. Armed with this information , anyone going to court on DUI charges needs to tell the judge they respectfully request a courtesy and that all charges be dropped including any fees. A lawyer is not required. The procedure is that simple. Should the judge ask for verification , have them call the Commander in charge of DUI courtesies and if not available , ask for Sgt. Warner , he can take care of anything or problem.
Franklin Police , 373 - 1295 or 794 - 2513
Hey , why should YOU have to pay for drunkenness , when others don't have too , eh ?
You tell the law you have the right to be given a courtesy , just like the next drunken person. That's fair and equal treatment. Wouldn't you agree ?
Can you imagine what all the DUI defense attorneys will do when they learn of this ? Their bread and butter will be no more.
Can you imagine all the money you'll save ? Not to mention your driver license.
Note : WAM or The Williamson County Review Appeal @ 794-2555 can not report this.
Another note : Tim Taylor , former Night Shift Supervisor , is no longer available for comment , having been fired and thus promoted to unemployed.
Note : Yes , it's true. Some of the names have been changed here to protect the guilty and the unforgiven. And yes , I still have those emails :)
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Lying Truth About Franklin Police
The City of Franklin , Tennessee - Time for a reality check - have you ever wondered , " Is a Franklin Police officer , really a truthful/honest person ? " Hmmmm , now why would you ever have reason to think such thoughts ? ( I can only why and wonder , ( speaking only for myself :) )
Having spent several days behind the Greek columns ( courtesy of Franklin Police ) , I was given the opportunity to become acquainted , with some of Franklin legal eagles. And my oh my , the juicy fruit I learned. Perhaps it might be better , to not repeat anything , eh ? Oh , what the Bloody Hell , why not ? I'll just share this tasty bite of truth with you anyway. I mean , what are JJ's police gonna do , throw me in jail and laugh about it ?
You do not want to testify against a police officer in front of a jury. The court will automatically accept the officer's word over yours. That's just the way it is. I mean , this is how the system works , er , ah , I mean , this is how the system is set up. OK ?
While giving testimony in court , of course , the officer will lie a little , lie some more and if asked again , he will lie some more , again. Even tho every legal eagle in that court room ( including the judge and the DA ) factually knows , the officer is without a doubt , a liar , that Franklin Police officer's testimony , will be accepted ass the gospel truth. Regardless. Period. Just like that. No ifs , no butts , no whats and no cross examination required. The only thing that might change the court's outcome on life , would be a lightning strike. Hmmm , er , ah , well , maybe , I suppose , I'm not really sure. What I AM sure about , is this simple fact : I reeeeeeally , yes really , don't want to be around those Greek columns with their lies flying around. ( just in case )
Now , don't you feel good knowing the truth about about your City of Franklin legal system ? I know sure I do.
And , nooooooo , I'm not kidding or making this up.
Having spent several days behind the Greek columns ( courtesy of Franklin Police ) , I was given the opportunity to become acquainted , with some of Franklin legal eagles. And my oh my , the juicy fruit I learned. Perhaps it might be better , to not repeat anything , eh ? Oh , what the Bloody Hell , why not ? I'll just share this tasty bite of truth with you anyway. I mean , what are JJ's police gonna do , throw me in jail and laugh about it ?
You do not want to testify against a police officer in front of a jury. The court will automatically accept the officer's word over yours. That's just the way it is. I mean , this is how the system works , er , ah , I mean , this is how the system is set up. OK ?
While giving testimony in court , of course , the officer will lie a little , lie some more and if asked again , he will lie some more , again. Even tho every legal eagle in that court room ( including the judge and the DA ) factually knows , the officer is without a doubt , a liar , that Franklin Police officer's testimony , will be accepted ass the gospel truth. Regardless. Period. Just like that. No ifs , no butts , no whats and no cross examination required. The only thing that might change the court's outcome on life , would be a lightning strike. Hmmm , er , ah , well , maybe , I suppose , I'm not really sure. What I AM sure about , is this simple fact : I reeeeeeally , yes really , don't want to be around those Greek columns with their lies flying around. ( just in case )
Now , don't you feel good knowing the truth about about your City of Franklin legal system ? I know sure I do.
And , nooooooo , I'm not kidding or making this up.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Franklin Police Solves DUI Problem
The City of Franklin , Tennessee , Ajax here - the local paper , The TENNESSEAN , is always printing horror stories about people driving while drinking and of course , getting arrested multiple times for DUI.
Well , leave it to The Franklin Police Department , in Franklin , Tennessee , to solve this small problem. They give " courtesy " authority and priority to their favorite list of people , so should they get stopped for DUI , the police Chief shows up on the scene and personally drives them home.
This solution has drastically dropped the number of court cases heard behind The Greek Columns @ The Justice Center for DUI offenders and perpetrator cases. With this reduction in DUI workloads , justice officials have found more time in their work week , to schedule more drinking and driving fun at the golf range.
In years past , it was Commander Barnes' responsibility to protect those certain favored people from DUI charges. Upon his retirement , those responsibilities were passed on to someone else.
Today , it is now everyone's responsibility to attend , the Police Citizens Academy , to learn who is who and what responsibility tasks they have been assigned. ( and remember to bring lots of c.a.s.h. to class :) for those important introductions and also , for those highly lucrative FOP membership ball caps.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Franklin Police Battles Criminal
Franklin , Tennessee , Ajax here - a guy had burgled 15,000 dollars of stuff from a home and later saw the person he had stolen the stuff from , stepping on grass at the side of the road to avoid traffic. Since he did not like this person anyway , he immediately called the police , complaining about his trespassing.
For those who don't know , stepping on The City of Franklin grass on the side of the road to avoid traffic is a criminal offense and that is why this person was immediately arrested and taken to jail.
Note for children : ass you grow up stealing lots of stuff , always remember your Franklin Police friends and freely share your newly gotten wealth , they will always remember you for being their friend :)
For those who don't know , stepping on The City of Franklin grass on the side of the road to avoid traffic is a criminal offense and that is why this person was immediately arrested and taken to jail.
Note for children : ass you grow up stealing lots of stuff , always remember your Franklin Police friends and freely share your newly gotten wealth , they will always remember you for being their friend :)
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