Franklin , Tennessee - how would you like to break the law and get compensated for your efforts and without the jail time.
Check this out. See how chummy this guy is with "HIS" , Friendly , Local , Franklin Police Department? He has been involved in various acts of harassment , burglary , vandalism and took part in stealing from The Red Cross.
The officer standing on the porch , enjoys hanging prisoners up by their cuffs , allowing them to hang by their body weight and then he tortures them , while laughing about it. His friends enjoy nominating people for their ability to black out from their deliberate acts of inflicted pain , by mocking them for an Oscar award. They also enjoy hurting those people with injuries , by sticking their hands into their meat and doing the twist. What more can I say? These guys enjoy hurting people. Remember , torturing people in America is just not done. That's why it is goes unreported in Franklin.
(Tell me this: is it proper arrest procedure , to pick up a person with a spinal injury , with the cuffs on behind them and then pick them up , by their elbows , until only their tip toes touch the ground , while knowing about their injury? And then laugh and mock them , while they lay on the ground , having passed out from the pain? Yes , this is Franklin Police)
These are the stories our THE TENNESSEAN and WSMV-TV news reporters , won't tell US. I'm very confident , when Franklin Police hurts the wrong person , then the news people will get around to having a feeding frenzy and report this kind of lawless shenanigans.
Anyone who thinks I'm making this up , ask Detective Black if I'm lying. I'm sure these officers are'nt going to talk about it. Don't take my word for it , get off your lazy ass and go ask Mr. Black to his face. And be sure to have your Lie-O-Matic turned on , when you do.
This guy is a perfect example of Franklin Police having Cronies inside their circle of Family and Friends network. People inside this circle are protected by the law , when they break the law. Anyone outside this circle are , well , up Shits Creek when they get caught (and for Heaven's sake , don't vandalize a chicken turd in this town)
I'm Jerry Horne and I wrote this.