Franklin , Tennessee - how would you like to steal for profit and without the jail time for not getting caught? The thing about stealing , is that upon selling your wares , you've got 100% profit. Hey , if it's stolen , it did'nt cost you anything upfront , right?
Here's some C II narcotics. This stuff is commonly referred to ass , "Candy" , on the street. I've tried to get the going street price and found it's around a $1,000 a stick (typically referred to ass a hit)
Did you know , there was a theft of this stuff , right here in a little known town , known ass The City of Franklin? Detective Black knows who did it and he has no intentions of arresting them. Hmmmmm. At a thousand dollar$ a hit , that could explain a few thing$ , would'nt it?
Yes , this is an example of the poison , Chief Moore has talked about.