Saturday, April 17, 2010
Franklin, Tennessee Police Department does nothing once again.
- What, no DUI checkpoints?
- No noise enforcement?
I did think it was funny that when the festivities started to pick up, a fire truck had to head toward Goose Creek.
You won't see any DUI checkpoints from the FPD for a while. They did not get the DUI grant this "fiscal year" (actually, October-October for grant money) and the city will not foot the bill for any overtime if they can help it thanks to Eric Stuckey. In fact, they were going to fill several vacant positions and those got nixed as well to cut the budget. (you'll notice the person did not give their name)
Here's why :
These DUI grants come from politicians who want people from groups like MADD to shut up. Actually , Franklin Police do not need grant money for DUI check points since they already have all the resources they need. You see , grant money is not the real issue here since grant money is just candy for passing around political circles. Franklin Police can set up a DUI check point any time and any where they please , with/without the grant money. It's interesting how many people have referred to Franklin Police ass being a ca$h cow.
The big issue for Franklin Police is the simple fact , they always catch someone with a "Stay out of Jail" card and this usually means the Chief himself , has to show up and personally drive the drunk person home.
And every time , it's always difficult for Chief jackie to explain why he was seen doing such a thing.
Speaking for myself , I personally know a person who Franklin Police caught driving drunk. He even admitted to mixing alcohol with narcotics and still the police let him go , despite the fact , this person had done 7,500 dollars of private property damage. I had some words with Commander Barnes who basically told me it was none of my business. So you see people , Franklin Police do keep their friends out of jail , just because they can.