Franklin , Tennessee - would you believe that not all of Tennessee's law enforcement entities are CALEA accredited? Would you believe there is now a progressive push to get it done?
There are 2 basic reasons why:
1. There's less liability to worry with. In other words , a police officer has similar above the law rules just like a politician has and currently enjoys.
2. Just look at all of those military toys you qualify for under President Bush's New World Order initiative. You know , toys like Active Denial stuff and Xafer systems and of course , those multi- mission capable rail guns. ( why does a police officer need a multi-mission combat rifle? ) Anyway , no CALEA , no toys. It's that simple.
Butt , there's a price to pay for being married to the Wolves. When Shit hits the fan and money no longer has worth , then you'll see the price "Our" police officers will pay. And when it does happen , you'll never look at your police department the same way again.