The City of Franklin , Tennessee - summer time means vacation time and that means , being away from home time and that translates into burglar time and so , now it's time to mention our very own and highly beloved , Franklin Police Department , who love getting freebie presents more than doing their job. To them , it doesn't matter if they get their usual 5 finger discount or if they just take the Damn thing , whichever comes first and that does include breaking into someone's home , if that's the only way to get it in hand.
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this folks , butt , when you leave your home , you need to be creative with your home security. Why ? Because only those who have kept up their monthly payments with the local FOP will receive ( if any ) help from the police , should your home get broken into.
It is true , Franklin Police break into homes , for what ever reason they feel like and you need to take care of things on your own. DON'T expect your neighbors to be of any help. The police already know , that on average , 99.3% of all Franklinites are gullible and/or can be bought , bribed and even threatened. Soooo , like I've said , you are on your own , therefore , you need to be creative with your home security when ever you are away. Why so secretive ? Why so creative , you ask and ask again ? Because it doesn't bother the police when they break your door lock or the window latches or even shoot the dog , to get in.
Home security is everyone's own individual Damn business. Be creative and DON'T tell your neighbors what you've done because they just might tell someone and that someone probably wants inside your home , which explains why they are talking about it behind your back ( like right now ).
Remember , the police knows your alarm company. YOU must be secretive with your home security layout.
Now then. Take care of your home and go vacate. You've earned it. Right ?
Note : should anyone think I'm making this up , feel free to ask Detective Barnes , of the Franklin Police Department.