Franklin , Tennessee - Franklin Police are using Nazi microwave technology to harass and cook people. It makes sense they are believers in Hitler's idealogy.
This technology was used to expedite the Jew's demise under Hitler's Final Solution. The thing is , there's was no end of how many people to kill to reach the final solution. Other undesireables were those people with hang nails and people who refused to Seig Heil and the excuses go on and on. This is how you kill 20 Million people in a few short years.
Look , here's how it works-Hitler first started out to eradicate the Jews and then he expanded his goals to include society's undesireables including The Jehova's Witnesses. He kept adding more and more different people to his extermination list. This was so only the Arian race would inhabit the earth. The United States stopped him. But , this country imported thousands of Nazis for their research and technology. The very same people who had sworn oaths to Hitler and The Third Reich and "Our" military protected them and gave them diplomatic immunity.
Today , these Nazis have made their way to the highest levels of our government and The Pentagon and with them comes the New World Order. And with the help of Franklin Police , Hitler can once again see his ideals come true.
It's amazing how this country brought down The Nazi Third Reich only to pick up their idealogy and put it to practice right here in America. The New World Order is a scary thing indeed and their technology thing is going to burn up "Our" society. It's just a matter of time before you and/or your loved ones are placed on this list.
This technology thing is going to burn "US" all up and Franklin Police don't care. What they are doing harms "US" all.