Franklin , Tennessee - people wanting to do business inside The City of Franklin know all too well how obtuse the city powers that be , truly are.
One person had spent several thousand dollars getting their business place all set up only to have codes find a problem with some minor electrical outlet and codes had no idea of how to go about having the problem fixed so the business could get off the ground. BUTT , several thousand dollars was still spent getting things ready and that's ass far ass that business got off the ground without opening the doors for business.
Now , if you think that's bad , just look at how many people got screwed over on similar problems and it was deliberately intentional that there was no way to fix the offense. That's how difficult it is doing business in this town. Remember the Ferris Wheel that didn't come to town? Butt isn't it interesting how nothing was amiss in building the new police station. Perhaps this helps to explain why the people of Franklin were scammed out of a mere 20 million dollars. Yep , no codes offenses here , no sirree
And just look at what we have for a police department. People scratch their heads and wonder why they act the way they do. The powers that be have a game plan and if you don't fit in then you don't fit in. It's that simple and the police protect this principle of doing business in their town.