Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Franklin Police Are Scum

The City of Franklin , Tennessee : Talking with Ajax here and several questions have been asked of Jerry , concerning why Franklin Police are referred to , ass " Scum ". After searching through the data banks around here , around Franklin and around those other towns around Tennessee , here is how the story gets around to being told :

Once upon a time , Columbia Avenue was just a one lane street ( a cow's path actually ) , connecting Franklin Five Points with Columbia. Everyone going to Columbia , used this street because it was the only street going in that a way. In fact , Columbia Avenue is named after The Columbia Highway. Despite the fact , these two streets are one and the same , people today are still confused , as to what road goes where.

Back in those days , The City of Franklin really was a one horse town. People liked the police ( there was no need for the Citizens to have a Police Academy ) , H.G.Hills was "King" of ALL grocery stores and both , ( yes , both ) The Court House , including The Square , were friendly places to congregate and be seen. No one had heard of Tim Taylor , Kroger was some foreign word not found in the dictionary , Saturn was still a planet and no one had a use for a City Administrator , as the people were doing just fine on their own , Thank You very much

With time , ( because Franklin had nothing to offer it's young people ) H.G.Hills became the favorite place to hang on Saturday nights. Young people would cruise down town Franklin and " Scoop the Loop " around the square before parking it on the "Hills" parking lot and show off to everybody their catch. Being ass there were no problems outside of a few bare asses , Franklin Police really did have nothing to do. Everyone behaved while having fun and yelling at everyone driving by and this was the only place to hunt "Beaver" without a license

Well , wouldn't you jest know it. Franklin Police had some officers , who just couldn't keep it in their pants. ( and they were married too ) In time , several officers had caught themselves some Beaver with the "CLAP" and wouldn't you just know it ? ( Again ? Yes , again ) They finally learned that having had a Beaver with the CLAP in the morning , was nothing to clap about , after sharing it with "Momma"

Somehow , during all of that name calling , Franklin Police officers had cum to be known as "Scum" , by their wives and other loving family members and of course , by their own fellow police officers and friends and why , wood Woody need to ask you ask ? Because there were so many drippy dicks trailing in the police locker room , drippy dicks were trailing through the police bathroom , the police shower stalls , there were drips on the soap bars , in the sinks and oozing down the sinks , there was scum on the paper towel dispenser , scum deposits had stuck the toilet paper rolls together and there was scum even on the police toilet seats ( can you believe that ) and on their patrol cars seats and on and on and there were trailing scum wet spots seen dicking around the crotch of their pants. These officers would grunt and scratch and sniff themselves and then touch the equipment and grunt some more , leaving scum like "drippy dick fingerprint" trails everywhere. And let us not forget the tricky dicky (and yes) sticky wet scum carrying paperwork , they turned in , after doing their shifty work. Meanwhile , their drippy dicks and drippy tails had left wet spot trails everywhere else , including all of those other various wet spots belonging to their nooks and crannies , that were being left around the house at home. This problem became so problematic , that infected police officers couldn't go anywhere or even sit down anywhere , without leaving a freshly wet , "drippy dicking pecker trail" on something. Franklin Police officers couldn't go anywhere , without having scum strings dragging along behind them. It was like seeing spider webs coming out of their their asses

And so , in time , these drippy dick trails and those wet spots and such , had became known as scum deposits and such and that's how it is today , Franklin Police officers have be cum associated with the word , "Scum". by Steve