Franklin , Tennessee - Doug here saying Thanks to Jerry for letting him be here. Do you like to drink and drive ? Are you worried about getting caught and arrested ?
Well , worry no more. Now that the news is out and about and in the open , yes , Franklin Police , are giving " Courtesies " , to some of those suspected of being drunk while under the influence.
Yep , you read correctly. Franklin , Tennessee is THE PLACE to drink and drive while having no worries about getting caught and arrested. Let's have a word with Doug.
Jerry : Hey Doug , what in the hell are you talking about ?
Doug : Franklin Police gave a courtesy to a guy , who did 4,700 $ damage to a vehicle , not his own , while drinking and taking anesthesia drugs. He was so drunk , his breath was a fire hazard.
Jerry : This is a put on , right ?
Doug : Nope , when asked why this guy was not arrested , the Franklin Police Commander in charge of DUI courtesies stated " There were no charges brought ass a courtesy ."
Jerry : OK , Doug , what does this mean ?
Doug : Simple. Laws in this country are made for everyone , not just for someone. Franklin is still a part of the United States. Armed with this information , anyone going to court on DUI charges needs to tell the judge they respectfully request a courtesy and that all charges be dropped including any fees. A lawyer is not required. The procedure is that simple. Should the judge ask for verification , have them call the Commander in charge of DUI courtesies and if not available , ask for Sgt. Warner , he can take care of anything or problem.
Franklin Police , 373 - 1295 or 794 - 2513
Hey , why should YOU have to pay for drunkenness , when others don't have too , eh ?
You tell the law you have the right to be given a courtesy , just like the next drunken person. That's fair and equal treatment. Wouldn't you agree ?
Can you imagine what all the DUI defense attorneys will do when they learn of this ? Their bread and butter will be no more.
Can you imagine all the money you'll save ? Not to mention your driver license.
Note : WAM or The Williamson County Review Appeal @ 794-2555 can not report this.
Another note : Tim Taylor , former Night Shift Supervisor , is no longer available for comment , having been fired and thus promoted to unemployed.
Note : Yes , it's true. Some of the names have been changed here to protect the guilty and the unforgiven. And yes , I still have those emails :)