Franklin , Tennessee - today's discussion was about a person not being able to wear a seat belt. Followed by , " Can a person be pulled over , just on a seat belt violation ? "
The answer is a simple , " Yes " , Franklin Police can/will pull you over , if they do not see the shoulder strap in use. Otherwise , the police do not need an excuse/reason to pull you over. They are going to do what ever they please anyway. That's the way it is , here in Franklin.
If a person can not wear a seat belt , they need a doctor's reason , stating why. The statement also needs the doctor's name and contact number. Butt remember , the police do not have to acknowledge it since they are habitually obtusive in nature anyway per Jay Johnson's directives.
Keep in mind , the Franklin Police officer will tell you , ( I won't give the officer's name ) that a paper from the court is also needed , along with the doctor's statement. Well folks , that's just a line of Bullshit coming from an asshole's ass as usual. Franklin court does not issue just any kind of paper for some silly assed reason or other , just because some silly assed police officer says so. Remember , the court system in this city is a complicated mess , deliberately designed to prevent something good/necessary from being accomplished by someone outside of their circle. ( That's why you need council and yes , I does know , what I'm telling you here is accurate )
For those people who think I'm making this up , go ask a judge if I'm lying.