Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Holidays

Franklin , Tennessee - HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE.

From me - Jerry Horne

Remember - Franklin Police are on the prowl for freebies so keep your stuff out of their sight.

In stealing those famous words from The TERMINATOR , "I'll be BACK !" , next year.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Officer Receive$ Award

Franklin , Tennessee - BVD News , Franklin's Downtown Police Department was abuzz , ass Officer Rich paraded himself , while holding up high for all to see , his newly made money , amongst the massive Greek columns , holding up the greatest of all hallowed halls of Downtown's new , law enforcement center for Franklin , ass his fellow officers cheered him on with their out stretched hands and hungry faces. Kat was there to see it all in the hall and later , she even got to talk with Officer Rich about his monetary award

Kat : Congratulations Officer Rich , how does it feel , holding onto that 500 hundred dollars of cold ca$h , in your greedy little hands right now?
Rich : Great ! Ha Ha Ha HA HA HA and Ha again :) It feels great. Absolutely G-R-E-A-T
Kat : How did you come into this money?
Rich : Well , I got called out to investigate property damage and while talking to the complainant , the code word , "Black" was stated. Therefore , I had a hunch , I had better not do my job and so I did'nt and later , while talking to our Detective Black about the incident , he just smiled at me and told me to shut my hole and then , he like , you know , he just gave me this fistful of money
Kat : Soooooo , you're saying , you received a 500 dollar reward , for deliberately not doing your job , while in the line of duty?
Rich : Yep. Aint life great being a "Franklin" , police officer?
Kat : I would'nt know

Monday, December 14, 2009

Have You Noticed -

Franklin , Tennessee - have you ever watched the Franklin Police night shift , ass they circle their wagons inside The Franklin Department Center for Downtown Justice? You know , the only place in town , where justice can be found , right behind those lavishly expensive , Greek columns?

Have you noticed how they resemble , something like a Hitler Youth Rally? Every one of them have the whitest of skin , shaven heads and youthful look , while telling Rodney King jokes. The only things missing are the red banners with those back ass wards Swastikas.

There's not one person in their group , with brown skin (or tan) , there are no blacks and there are no women.

One officer kept reaching over , to rub his partner's Taser , ass if to masturbate him.

Yes in dee dee dee. Talk about stepping back asswards in time. For the benefit of anyone thinking I'm making this up , go on over to the "Justice" Center around 8 AM and peek inside their courtroom for yourself.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mr. Black , Franklin Police Detecting Agency

The City of Franklin , Tennessee - who is this mysterious Franklin Police officer , named Mr. Black and just why in the Hell , is he Jay Johnson's favorite lap dog ?

He is the one , the onliest and oldest one of his kind I know of , who is without question , an exemplary example of a police officer turned detective , who can , with just one eye blindfolded , walk a straight line on one leg while putting his best foot forward even though it's stuck in his other mouth , while telling lies , harassing women and cheat @ poker while stealing some guy's lunch , all at the same time.

When he isn't Shitting on the little people , his favorite pastime is dinky car racing without mufflers , thru quiet neighborhoods.

His favorite Islamic wisdomic words are :
Monday - Life is GrrrrrrrrrreATE , being inside the law ! ! ! !
Tuesday - I am soooooooooooooo untouchable :)
Wednesday - " sssssssssssssssssss ! ! ! Damn , I'm HOT
Thursday - The law can't touch me :) Hee Hee Hee Hee
Friday - don't ask me , that's not my job :)
Saturday / Sunday - I don't do weekends , only little people :)

And , did you know? Tennessee State law does not require permission for Franklin Police to tap your phones? This just happens to be one of Detective Black's favorite past times.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Franklin Police and CALEA

Franklin , Tennessee - over the years , CALEA requires Franklin Police to hold town meetings with the public , to take in comments about the department and how they are doing , in the eyes of Franklin citizens.

Over the years , Franklin Police have been very careful about "who" gets into these meetings. The police do not give much notice of when or even where these meetings will be held. Franklin Police have even gone to the Nashville airport , to hold these "in town" meetings , for the purpose of keeping the citizens of Franklin , aka the "little people" , out of their way.

Over the years , Franklin Police have made special invitations to those educated , police family members , who are well articulated in peculiarly special Bullshit , which satisfies CALEA accreditation requirements.

For those who do not know , this years meeting with CALEA was just last week. Franklin Police deliberately did not put the word out to the general public until late in the day of the meeting , to avoid having someone show up , who would say something truthful about the department.

Ass Franklin Police Detective Black has so obtusely demonstrated , truth is the ONE thing , they will not tolerate being told , period.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Time Is "NOW"

Franklin , Tennessee - last year Franklin Police went around parked cars , looking for packages seen through the windows. They would then place a courtesy card on the car to show they were in the area. Another reason for the cards was to look like they were doing something good , while they were actually looking for stuff to steal. The packages were seen , inventory taken and someone else would go to their home and get it. Just like that.

Soooo , remember boys and girls , it's Christmas time. A thief's favorite time of the year.

For those who do not remember , Franklin Police did steal the Christmas surprise for the Red Cross 2 years ago. It was a nice gift which does explain why they did what they did.

Oh? You don't understand why Franklin Police would steal Christmas from The Red Cross? Ask yourself this question - do people around you reward you for Shitting on them? Of course not , "Dumb Ass". Franklin Police fleece the people during the year. Which would certainly explain why the public people don't think much of them during Christmas time. The Red Cross is well known for helping people during the year. And so it's not surprising those people would want to do something nice for them to show their appreciation.

Here in Franklin , rich people typically give to the police and/or their counter part , The FOP , money towards their favorite charity , aka "Themselves" and so for this reason alone , the people are not really up to the task of even thinking about doing something nice in return for the police people who laughingly fleece them during the year. Remember , the police do not fleece the rich and in return , the rich don't do something nice for them. That's what money is for. The common folks are not known for their wealth which is why the police fleece them. Now do you understand?

Besides , when you think about it , Franklin Police enjoy Christmas every day of every year. When they aren't fleecing Franklinites of their money , they are stealing from them and don't forget the burglary and vandalism that they enjoy so much. Yes , Franklin Police even have a good reason to smile that crooked smile of theirs ass they enjoy a good torture session every time the moment arises , so , they really don't have a reason to Bitch about Christmas , every time they don't get their names on Santa's list.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Why All The Lies?

Franklin , Tennessee - ass I have pointed out , Franklin Police Detective Black , has lied to too many people. It seems Mr. Black just won't tell the truth about anything , regardless , not even if a promotion was lying in front of him , Mr. Black simply will NOT tell the truth.

Why ?

Let's do some math , shall we? Keep in mind , the only reason a person lies is to hide the "real" truth from anyone/everyone. I wonder what truth Mr. Black is hiding , from US or perhaps from himself?

Let's see what's on the lying list , shall we?

1. - A private residence sustained 17,000 dollar$ in theft and vandalism. Detective Black personally knows who did this and will not arrest them.
2. - An infant has been tortured from the time of his birth , to the first 2 years of his life. Mr. Black knows the people doing this and will not arrest them. (what could a new born baby have done to piss someone off to make them want to torture him?)
3. - A ham radio sustained 300 dollars damage from vandals. This radio was to be used for emergency communications for the local communities. Detective Black personally knows the person who did this and will not arrest him. This radio could not be used for recent hurricane in the gulf.
4. - A supply of emergency medical equipment and supplies was stolen from a local community. This equipment was to be used by the community in the event of an emergency , like a tornado for example. Detective Black personally knows the person who did this and will not arrest him.
5. - A vintage car sustained 2,000 dollars of damage , from deliberate vandalism. Detective Black knows the person who did this and will not arrest him.
6. - The front storm glass door was deliberately busted at a private residence by a person , whom Detective Black knows very well. Mr. Black refuses to arrest him.
7. - A computer was vandalized by a person , whom Detective Black also happens to know very well. Mr. Black refuses to arrest him.
8. - Detective Black has been observed , lying to his fellow police officers , on more than one occasion.
9. - Detective Black instigated the torture of a prisoner in irons by 4 Franklin Police officers.
10. - Detective Black knows about bugging rooms where business meetings are held , at the instruction of Jay Johnson. Sgt. Warner also knows about this.
11. Detective Black refuses to discuss the great Red Cross robbery from 2 years ago because he personally knows the person who did it AND , he will not arrest him.
12. Detective Black has lied about tapping people's phones at their residence.

What in the Hell is going on , here in Franklin? I don't know. Butt , it is obvious ass to why Franklin Police do not publish this town's criminal statistics , is'nt it?

Kat : You know Jerry , some people lie themselves so far into a corner , they can not see the light of day. Being in that position , the only thing they do know for reality is that they can not tell the truth or else it's their neck. Mr. Black appears to be so far into a corner , he can't see the light of day
Jerry : You know Kat , some people are so deep in dishonest behavior , they have probably forgot what daylight even looks like.
Kat : Well , this list of Detective Black's activities shows US all what happens when a person has "power" with no accountability.
Jerry : Now you are talking about Jay Johnson
Kat : You know , if he was sooooo powerful , how come he got fired?
Jerry : I would have to say , all of his under handed , under the table business dealings , pushed his ass out the door before his activities could be exposed , which might have led to several law suits.
Kat : Torturing an infant. What in God's name are these police officers thinking? I mean really. Are they our police officers? I mean are they , really , really , REALLY , our Franklin Police officers?
Jerry : I'm afraid so.
Kat : Says a lot about OUR town , doesn't it?
Jerry : Truth is Truth
Kat : Yes , Truth is Truth. The way you talk of Franklin Police , I'd swear you were talking about Washington politicians.
Jerry : Is there a difference?
Kat : Hmmm , apparently not
Jerry : O Kay then