Thursday, August 5, 2010

World News Report From Poland

Franklin , Tennessee - this blog thing is pretty interesting. I've been told that the good folks in Mazowieckie , Poland are talking about , "Our" Franklin Police Department.

Well , why the Hell not? After all , if anyone knew anything about living under the Iron Fist of Communism , they would certainly be the "Go TO" people to ask , right?

Their topic of conversation is the arrest of the "Wake Boarding Criminals" and how the local government deals with such political radicals , here in "The Land of the Free and the Brave"

Yeah and Hip Hip Hurrah for "Our" Franklin Police! YOU GO GUYS

P.S. the story even made the local paper

A special "Thank You" goes to my good friend , BVD for telling me about this.

Note: This is the proper flag for civilians to display.