Franklin , Tennessee - I get emails and such from all walks of life including 38 countries since I started AIMLESSLY UNBALANCED several years ago. Here are some remarks that apply to this blog (I think) Some of these remarks have been rewritten by me to help keep private information private and to remove the language/spelling problems and of course everyone's favorite , remove the foul mouth odor since children are reading this. Sailors and kiddies would learn a thing or two from these people , I know I have. If anyone has something to say to these remarks or questions , then have at it.
1. When you allow a police officer into your home , it is no different than allowing a Burglar to check out your home before they do their work.
2. They fired Tim Taylor with kid gloves on. Why were they so careful about firing Tim Taylor in the first place???
3. How can I get a job like Sgt. Warner and not have anything to do all day long while getting paid to do it?
4. What is so wrong with paying 28 million dollars for a 36 million dollar building? The police have needed this for years. What's your problem Horn?
5. Why do the police act so badly with the citizens of this town?
6. This blog even has the Chief eating sleeping pills instead of dinner for lunch
7. The Chief was overheard to say he will enjoy the money during his retirement
8. It is interesting to note now that the Chief finally has a real office he is still can not be found in his office. Yep , the moore things change , the moore they stay the same.
9. Perhaps the police chief position should be an elected one.
10. After a judge had that so called breakdown , a ledger was found in their office showing payments being made along with names and the Elams are in it several days before being in court for B/E
11. Elams were always bragging about owning the law
12. The Chief mentioned something while laughing about grabbing his money and running away. Very very far away and he has no reason to look back He was undecided about taking his wife along with him
13. Mr. Horn , Franklin Police do not have to answer for their actions. Period. They have no accountability because they do not have anyone over them or even anyone to answer too. Now you know why they are not concerned about someone complaining about them and why Sgt. Warner finds any and all complaints to be so Damn Fucking funny.
14. Just because Hell has a chance of freezing over does not mean that Franklin Police have a chance of turning over a new leaf on life They are not going do it because there's no money in honesty and they know it. These are the lessons learned from Jay Johnson , Congress and CALEA
15. Between the money he received from building kickbacks and their despicable activities Moore decided now would be a good time to leave office while the leaving is still good
16. Franklin Police have some truly amazing computer Geeks. They are responsible for the pornography found in a city manager's computer. They are also responsible for it being found. Heh heh heh. Hmmmmmmm.
17. I think Franklin Police are nothing moore than a bunch of Bullies with a badge and a gun
18. Who is giving you information? You are so right about the scam of those burglar alarm permits. The police call up the provider to turn off the alarm and they then go right on inside like they own the place and steal to their hearts desires. Later , they pretend to investigate the crime. People in this town are nothing moore than little lambs begging to be sheared and the police accommodate them by bringing the scissors.
19. I love the way you make fun of moore's name. I LOVE IT ! ! ! Thank you for the humor. This town needs more of it.
20. I think you make this stuff up. But with the police looking away and ignoring you , perhaps you are maybe not making this stuff up after all. I dunno any more
There you have it people.
I've got moore.