Franklin , Tennessee - Just about everybody in America has a cell phone these days. Did you know , to go anywhere and everywhere across this country , your phone has GPS technology? It has to have GPS to maintain your signal during your movement which is monitored from tower to tower. This way , your service provider knows who is who while making sure it is you and that your service remains uninterrupted while you talk.
Did you know that by law , your service provider MUST give the operational perimeters of your phone to the "Law" upon request? Once this information is obtained , the law can track your movements by the GPS system in your phone. In other words , you are paying your service provider to track your movements while the law looks over your shoulders :)
Did you know , your cell phone speaker can be activated without your knowledge despite the fact the phone won't look like it is in use? That's right. Everywhere you go with your phone turned on , people can listen to everything being said thru your phone even though you are not making a phone call at the moment.
Today , people think their business over their cell phones are secure because of digital technology. Well guess again. Your cell phone company has black suit cases that are used for trouble shooting their system in the field. These "Black Cases" can track your phone. Also , did you know people working for Franklin Police also have these little black cases? That's right folks. Your cell phone calls can be monitored while you ride around in your car.
Think about it. While you travel , while you sit at home , even while you put it down to charge , the police can use your phone to listen in to your phone calls AND your conversations in the room and even while you're having sex.
Also , special computer software must be used to activate your phone. This software can also look into your phone's call book. Did you know that "Our" police department also has this software? They too can look into your phone to access your friends numbers also. (do you remember about Paris having her phone book accessed) AND , did you know , with this software , your phone can be turned off at any time , anywhere without your permission? When it comes to cell phones , if it is'nt your service provider , it's your friendly neighborhood police department snooping & pooping around with your phone.
Is'nt technology wonderful stuff to have these days? I often wonder just how did we ever get along without it back in those good ole days of yesteryear?
Yes , your cell phone is a wonderful police tool for tracking your movements and your business dealings and even your sex buddy. What a wonderful world we live in these days. Don't you agree?