Franklin , Tennessee - people have stated there's already plenty of negative talk about "Our" Franklin Police Department and was wondering if it's possible to talk about something with some meat and taters in it. Well , of course there is , after such subjects ass Det. Black , that subject alone is plenty negative ass he normally is. So , I've been busy writing on some ideas I'm calling "Above Your Pay grade". The articles range from how Franklin Police spend their/"Our" money all the way to the subject of committing murder. I hope my readers enjoy these posts.
I hope to have them finished soon.
Meanwhile , I'd like to say Hello to The California Highway Patrol who have become regular visitors to this place for a while now. Ya know what? I'd LOVE to blog about them. I've heard they are a great bunch doing an awesome and usually un-thankful job.
Boy , when the word gets out , the word gets out :)