Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Quotes of Note

Franklin , Tennessee -

That blogger guy is right about something I mean why is it Franklin has such a high burglar rate and the police don't have a clue ass to whose doing it

Overheard at Taco Bell

Monday, August 15, 2011

Quotes of Note

Franklin , Tennessee -

Knowing Tim Taylor like I do. Historically speaking , how many people thought Franklin Police were their friends and in the course of time found themselves getting burned?

Conversation at Shoney's breakfast bar

Friday, August 12, 2011

Quotes of Note

Franklin , Tennessee - just why does Franklin Police need secret communcation radios for again?

When you are ignoring human rights you have a lot more to hide

remarks overheard at Steak and Shake

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Quotes of Note

Franklin , Tennessee -

Have you noticed how badly Franklin Police treat the little people? I mean seriously , if your affluent the police don't give a Damn what traffic law you've violated. Butt , if your not so affluent they rake your ass over the coals and laugh about it.

Hey Jerry , what do you think would happen if the little people got together and decided not to work in this one horse town anymore. What do you think would happen?

I think it's a great idea. There are always jobs for the little people to work in other towns and they won't get abused either.

Conversation at Shoney's for lunch

Police Lights and Polock Jokes

Franklin , Tennessee -here's the newest Polock joke. How many lights does it take to light up a police cruiser?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Quotes of Note

Franklin , Tennessee -

You know the truth be told , Franklin Police don't really have anyone who trusts them. Oh sure there are people who say this and they say that butt really now , not even those people trust the police.

Perhaps those folks are trying to say they trust them about ass far ass they can throw them.

Hmmmm , maybe , just maybe

Conversation at Taco Bell

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Following In Hitler's Boot Steps

Franklin , Tennessee - Franklin Police are using Nazi microwave technology to harass and cook people. It makes sense they are believers in Hitler's idealogy.

This technology was used to expedite the Jew's demise under Hitler's Final Solution. The thing is , there's was no end of how many people to kill to reach the final solution. Other undesireables were those people with hang nails and people who refused to Seig Heil and the excuses go on and on. This is how you kill 20 Million people in a few short years.

Look , here's how it works-Hitler first started out to eradicate the Jews and then he expanded his goals to include society's undesireables including The Jehova's Witnesses. He kept adding more and more different people to his extermination list. This was so only the Arian race would inhabit the earth. The United States stopped him. But , this country imported thousands of Nazis for their research and technology. The very same people who had sworn oaths to Hitler and The Third Reich and "Our" military protected them and gave them diplomatic immunity.

Today , these Nazis have made their way to the highest levels of our government and The Pentagon and with them comes the New World Order. And with the help of Franklin Police , Hitler can once again see his ideals come true.

It's amazing how this country brought down The Nazi Third Reich only to pick up their idealogy and put it to practice right here in America. The New World Order is a scary thing indeed and their technology thing is going to burn up "Our" society. It's just a matter of time before you and/or your loved ones are placed on this list.

This technology thing is going to burn "US" all up and Franklin Police don't care. What they are doing harms "US" all.

Quotes of Note

Franklin , Tennessee -

Hey friend , want to buy some Moonshine? I've got a good price on it today and today only.

Overheard buying proposition at Williamson Medical Center


Monday, August 8, 2011

Franklin Real Estate Problem

Franklin , Tennessee - it's just a matter of time when "Our" money becomes no good , "Our" police are on strike or just plain gone to greener pasture and "Our" City of Franklin bubble pops.

This is scheduled to happen in "Our" near future.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Quotes of Note

Franklin , Tennessee -

BVD: The City of Franklin spent 28 million dollar$ just in architect fees to design a 36 million dollar building? YEAH , right. When I see Franklin Police play cow tipping in front of their Taj MaHal , then I might believe it.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Senseless Shootings

Franklin , Tennessee - how many people know about Franklin Police using microwave emitters to harass people? It's the very use of this equipment that is behind the senseless shootings in Arizona and other places.

Microwave technology is called non-lethal butt it's consequences are devastating. Look at how many innocent people have been senseless shot down by a crazed killer and it was the fault of a law enforcement agency using microwave equipment to harass someone.

America has fallen under some pretty dark times with the approval of using this stuff and it opens the door to other evil doings at "Our" expense.

Quotes and Notes

Franklin , Tennessee -

Go on , take it. You can sell it and make some money. Look , if you don't take it I will and I will sell it and I will make me some money.

Franklin Police officer in a coercive discussion over private property lying around knowing the real owner would return soon.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Quotes of Note

Franklin , Tennessee -

I don't get it
Don't get what?
All this about Bullys. There were even discussions at Nashville over this weekend about what to do about them
So why do the police still act like Bullys? It's bad enough they are assholes ass they are butt acting like Bullys? Why can't something be done about them?
Because of politics I reckon you know , CALEA

Anonymous conversation over heard at Shoney's


A Bumper Sticker

Franklin , Tennessee - while at Wal Mart I saw this bumper sticker , "In the beginning God blessed this country like no other. Today our politicians have Damned her to Hell"

This remark does make sense. After all America has drifted away from God and in the process we have become decadent in our nature. Just look at what Franklin Police are doing these days. They do not recognize the CONSTITUTION or even Human Rights.

Think about it. The very rights other people in other countries want so badly are found right here in America and yet Franklin Police act like these things don't exist.

It's no wonder so many people are whispering quietly in fear of what tomorrow might bring.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hardnosed and Obtuse

Franklin , Tennessee - people wanting to do business inside The City of Franklin know all too well how obtuse the city powers that be , truly are.

One person had spent several thousand dollars getting their business place all set up only to have codes find a problem with some minor electrical outlet and codes had no idea of how to go about having the problem fixed so the business could get off the ground. BUTT , several thousand dollars was still spent getting things ready and that's ass far ass that business got off the ground without opening the doors for business.

Now , if you think that's bad , just look at how many people got screwed over on similar problems and it was deliberately intentional that there was no way to fix the offense. That's how difficult it is doing business in this town. Remember the Ferris Wheel that didn't come to town? Butt isn't it interesting how nothing was amiss in building the new police station. Perhaps this helps to explain why the people of Franklin were scammed out of a mere 20 million dollars. Yep , no codes offenses here , no sirree

And just look at what we have for a police department. People scratch their heads and wonder why they act the way they do. The powers that be have a game plan and if you don't fit in then you don't fit in. It's that simple and the police protect this principle of doing business in their town.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Quotes of Note

Franklin , Tennessee -

If you want to know what's gone wrong with this country all you have to do is take a look at Franklin Police and you've got a excellent example of the problems we are all in and we are in this together whether we all like it or not

Overheard at Shoney's breakfast bar

The Reality of Our Future

Franklin , Tennessee - Think about this , NATO is our friend and ally on the battlefield. They are outspoken on the deplorable use of any microwave device for any reason whether it be on or off the battlefield.

And yet , right here in America we have Americans using microwave devices in a malicious manner to deliberately cause harm on their fellow Americans.

Only in America

It's just a matter of time before this stuff is used for population/people control. This is already a fact in secret laboratories funded by the CIA and The Pentagon. Also , if you know where to tune in on Shortwave , these things are already in use overseas.

Think about this future sampling - There's a riot in downtown Franklin because people don't have food. The police bring out their toys and suddenly everyone is dancing until they drop from exhaustion while the police and the medics stare with amusement at the spectacle before them

Subjects like this one and others are quietly being discussed all over this town