Franklin , Tennessee - Yes , I was asked this question.
Do you remember the L A Riots? If the crowd had worked with an inner structure , they would have taken out the entire L A Police Department very easily and this is no joke.
Are you familiar with the 2012 predictions? "Our" government has said many times over , "This government will continue to operate , regardless of what happens or the outcome." During the last Bush administration , there was a massive building of underground facilities to accommodate "Our" government with total disregard to civilian needs. Vice President Chaney even got his own personal bunker and despite the fact he is no longer our Vice president , that bunker is still his. To protect these installations the job has been assigned for active denial systems.
Both of these questions provide the political argument along with the need to control crowds who are starving and in need of other services. And yes people , "Our" government has spent Billions trying to devise plans to answer these troubling questions. You would be amazed how many of our politicians think/believe the future of this country looks bleak. With 2012 around the corner , do you really think "Our" government is serious about the 14 Trillion dollar debt? "Our" government has deliberately ignored the budget in order to build and make whatever to be used in whatever events it believes is coming and when the Shit hits the fan , no one will care either way about any debt anybody may have or not. What will count is your ability to survive your own way thru it and nothing else will matter. NOTHING !
To give you an idea of what I'm talking about , have you seen the maps of what scientists think America will look like after the 2012 earthquakes? It looks like 40% of the land mass will be under water. The map also shows Tennessee to be in the "safe zone". (I'll let you know if I'm still around :)
With this much devastation to "Our" country , you can be sure there will be plenty of people in need of something and that means crowd control. You would be amazed at how much money has already been spent on what I'm talking about here.
It's like this people , with ADT's in place , you don't need bullets to put down a crowd. Remember , we are now a "Kinder and more Gentle" country now.
Meanwhile , despite a 14 Trillion dollar debt , "Our" government continues spending 500 Billion dollars JUST on military research alone. Now what does this tell you? Hmmm?